

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Am not sure if this is really the right place to put this...

Why after so long does it still hurt so much.

My sister had her baby boy this morning... I so thought that after I had got passed the 42 week mark that I would find things slightly easier, but it has really knocked me.

It doesn't help that my mother called me to tell me, got interupted by my dad (who I think may have been distracting her so that she didn't ram me with her size 9) so I was told that she would phone me back, which she never did but put on facebook as her status "yes, at last"... managing to make me feel like a class 1 failure again....

... I just start getting my head round the fact that it wasn't my fault and then she always manges to make me feel as though it is

then I get DH saying that as I am so upset that I am not being fair to Pip as I am not concentrating on him enough....

Sometimes I really do not know which way to turn...
I'm so sorry :hug: I can't evenimagine how hard it must be for you :( You are not a failure :hug:

And I think it's so important for all of you - including Pip - that you do focus on yourself and how you're feeling. Cry all you need to hun - and remember we're always here if you ever need anything :hug:
:hug: A loss is a loss, sometimes there is never a time when you are over it and you need the support when you need to lean. Don't allow anyone to make you feel a failure because you are far far from that :hug: :hug:
Mums have a way with words sometimes eh?Thats why I made up my mind that when I had a daughter, I would always make her feel good about herself as I know from experience how much it effects the rest of your life when you haven't had this from your own mother.You are not a failure.Chin up girl and feel proud of yourself.You have endured a very traumatic experience and are still standing!xxx
I couldn't agree with Pam more - My mum says all the wrong things, at all wong times, and actually means the best, just never happens like that.

I don't think there will ever be a time that dealing with this is easy, but you have coped well , it's just occasions like these that really set you back a little.

Enjoy your pregnancy with Pip, before you get to your due date.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, I think its totally understandable for you to be upset by this. You've coped amazingly well, and there's bound to be things that seem to set you back. You need to look after you, and your feelings. Bottling it all up won't help at all, and I don't think you're being unfair to anyone. It's almost three years since my last mc and i sometimes it still upsets me, but not nearly as much as it used to. The first year I found was always the hardest :hug:

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