Why is this happening again :-(


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
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I first joined here early May all excited to be expecting our first baby, sadly I miscarried on the 18th May. I had a scan on the 25th and was told everything had gone and that I had a follicle in one of my ovaries. We used protection for a little while afterwards, but then didn't once we knew everything was normal again.

My period should have arrived about 14th/15th June, when it didn't i did a pregnancy test that was positive. Last week i had a small amount of spotting and doctors did a blood test HCG levels were 730, had second blood test yesterday but haven't had the results yet. started bleeding much more last night, and a lot heavier this morning.

Spoken to midwife and early pregnancy unit this morning, who have said it sounds like i am miscarrying again. I have an appointment at 3:15 for a scan, but they are not hopefully.

Why is this happening again? My boyfriend and I are so desperate to start a family. I feel useless, and like i can't even do one thing that thousands of women do right.

So devastated :-(

Sorry for the long post, just needed to let it out xx
Oh sweetie, I am so very, very sorry. Would you be able to see your DR/Gynae after the scan today and ask for more information or what you can do? Unfortunately I think they only really start 'helping' you once you've had 3 miscarriages. Stupid 'rule'. really doesn't help women at all. But I know a lot of women who have had miscarriages and have gone on to take baby dose of asprin - and this has prevented miscarriage. Maybe mention this to your Dr as something you would like to try when TTC again? Big hug. xxx
Thanks, I'll ask later but they did say they this morning that they don't investigate further until after 3 :-( xx
I'm really sorry that you are going through this again, I'm glad that they are giving you a scan quickly so that you can find out what is happening. If you have a sympathetic doctor she may let you have some of the blood tests now - she should check your thyroid function and also the blood clotting disorder, alternatively you could pay to have them done privately it would probably cost about £200 to have all the routine checks done. Don't feel useless I have had 2 Missed Miscarriages - it's really tough, at the time the midwife said that it's Mother Nature's way and that the little baby may not have been strong enough to make it and that it was better happening in Trimester 1 rather than 2 or 3. It's still horrible when it happens but FX our sticky baby beans will come soon, Take care xx
Im sorry you are having to go through this again!
I'm sorry to be reading this and just wanted to say I hope your ok xx
I am sorry to hear that you are going through this again and I hope that you are holding up okay or as okay as you can be in the circumstances x
Thanks for all of the replies, so devastated again. Are there any positive stories of people having multiple miscarriages who then go on to have healthy pregnancies??
Blueeyes Im so sorry to read this, what an awful rollercoaster of emotions this must be for you. Try to stay strong and positive, there are so many stories of women having mutiple mc's then going on to have healthy babies, it will happen for us eventually
hi im so sorry for your loss, I know its extremely hard and specially as this is your second. You asked if any women out there with multiple losses and a positive outcome? well I did. like you I had 2 mc one straight after the other. I was 8 weeks with the first which I mc naturally then fell pregnant straight away only to mc again at 9 weeks which I had a erpc. following this I became very low and convinced myself that it would never happen for us, I stressed so much that I wasn't becoming pregnant straight away, however 3 months after my second mc I fell pregnant and despite much worrying throughout my pregnancy I had a lovely healthy boy in January. At the time I couldn't see it but I now believe that it wasn't meant to be before and it all happens for a reason. I don't have much advise that I bet you haven't already been told, but please don't give up hope, don't keep looking at what has happened and keep looking forward it WILL happen and when it does this will all be a process that gets you to meet your precious baby. remember every pregnancy is a new one and just because you have had 2 losses doesn't mean you wont have your miracle baby. private messeage me me you have any questions x x x

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