Why has it taken 4 months...

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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for it to near kill me with pain about bean?

I have literally a physically knife stabbing pain in my chest and cant breath too good.
Im supposed to see my cousin tomorrow with baby Elliot...ddont think i can face it...dont know if i can be around him.

As horrible as it sounds, and i hate myself for saying it, i dont know how to handle being around a pregnant lady atm... only ones at around what i would have been though with bean....i would have been 23 weeks tomorrow.

I would give anything to be pregnant with Bean, or just pregnant now.

I want to prove i CAN be a mummy and not have my babies taken away.

I dont know what to do with myself...
awww hun 4 months is not a long time.... i havent been thru wot u r going thru but i would like to offer :hug: :hug: dont blame yourself!!! im here if u ever need to chat just pm me!!!! xxxxxx
I understand how you feel. Although I felt grief shortly after my loss, the real grief set in 10 weeks after the loss. All it took to trigger it was a friend of mine losing her baby. It was then that I joined a miscarriage forum and eventually I found this one. No one says you have to feel pain immediately after a loss. It hits us at the most unexpected time(s). Take care of yourself :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
im really sorry hun :hug: i feel for u. i have days when i think im fine and others when my world feels like it falling apart. its natural to feel this way babe. ur still grieving. i dont think the pain will ever go away but i hope it will lessen over time. i would have been 23weeks now too :hug:
There is no set time limit as to how long and when you start to grieve, and as you know you will never get over it but hopefully it gets easier to deal with. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: It is the hardest thing to go through isn't it. Stay strong.

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