why do i feel like this?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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After TTC for basically a year and finding out in March that DH has a low sperm count due to an operation he had as a child I just feel totally inadequate and a failure cos we can't conceive naturally.

My DH is having another operation in a week to try and correct the problem caused by the previous operation, but if that doesn't work we are looking at IVF.

It really annoys me that I feel this was just cos we have fertility problems.

I find myself comparing us to people who are able to conceive with no problems and wonder what it is that we did wrong to deserve this.

I just feel useless and totally inadequate :cry:
You guys are not a failure and you are not being punished for anything. You don't deserve what is happening. I cannot pretend to understand how you feel, but I do know that bad things happening are not punishments for anything at all. Bad things just happen.

And you never know, hun, your OH operation could go very well. Aren't you both very brave, going the extra mile and thinking about IVF? You hang in there.

quote: ((I find myself comparing us to people who are able to conceive with no problems and wonder what it is that we did wrong to deserve this.))

You so can't feel responsible in anyway or that you are to blame. Unfortunately its just the luck of the draw, try and stay positive and I am sure all will work out for you guys.
Thanks everyone

I know you are right and we are not to blame, but sometimes I find myself wondering why us?

Seem to be struggling more than usual at the moment as seem to be babies/pregnant women everywhere!! I need to create a pop myself on a desert island for a bit.

Just can't wait until we know whether the operation is a success or not.

:hug: thanks for the support :D
:hug: :hug: Sorry to hear you feel that way, it's just luck of the draw unfortunately. You have done nothing wrong and shouldn't blame yourself at all!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: You're definately not a failure! There is so much luck involved. I hope you get lucky soon :hug: :hug:

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