Am I going mad!!?


Jun 30, 2010
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I am totally obsessed with getting pregnant at the moment. I have secretly bought an ovulation kit and used it last week. My husband wouldn't like it if he knew, he wants to keep things natural. My period is due on 7th July. I did a test this morning and it was negative. But I think it would probably be too early to tell. I have felt sick for the last three mornings and I never feel sick and I have mild cramps (but that could be early pms). The thing is, I can NOT think about anything else. I feel totally obsessed and I know I will be depressed and disappointed if my period comes next week. I have had problems in the past with a miscarriage, severe PID that put me in hospital and an operation to remove abrasions from my womb. I worry that it's not a very happy place for a baby to want to live and that I might not get pregnant at all.
How long have you been trying hun? The only reason I ask is because me and my OH have actively been trying for 7 months and I have been like you, couldn't think of anything else and been totally obsessed, my OH wanted to do things naturally for the first 6 months, which we did but I hated it, then last month I used OPK's for the first time, still got BFN and now this month I think I have burned myself out because it's MY decision to go back to trying things naturally, leaving the OPK's alone etc...alot of people say that if you stop trying so hard and wanting it so badly then you end up getting PG. Hope this is it for you and you get your BFP but if not hun then maybe try and ease off a little bit and if you're not so stressed about it it may work better for you.
Good luck. xxx
Hey Crystalize81 and welcome to the forum!

First of all your not mad! Honeslty!!

You will find tahat a lot of us on here are self confessed obsessers! lol
We are all POAS addicts too! (Pee On A Stick!!) so really dont be thinking your crazy for feeling and doing what your doing!

Trying for a baby when you want it so bad can and often does take over especially in the very early days!

But stick around and ou will get some great advice, and even make some POAS addict friends and others to obsess in the two week wait with!

Good luck with the TCC too xxx
Thank you so much girls, it's reassuring to know there are people out there listening and feeling similar things. We haven't been trying for that long and I do need to just chill out. It's very very difficult though. In some ways the internet is amazing, but sometimes too much information can be a bad thing. I'd pretty much convinced myself that the cramps I'm having are PMS and that I'm not pregnant, but I've just read that it could be from implantation! So my hopes are up again! Oh blimey, what we do to ourselves eh!!
Ha join the club Mrs ....... read some of our posts....honestly you will realise were all at it lol!

But here its a giggle and we talk about anything and everything and also the things that would drive our DHs up the wall so its really a great place to be when your TCC and onwards....lots of support and help here...and lots of fun and laughs too!!

Obsessing is fun when your doing it with other TTC'ers lol xxx
Hi again rosie. I agree with Willma, do all your obsessing on here.

I found that trying to talk about it (probably constantly) with my oh was driving him crackers and creating pressure in the bedroom. I learnt not to. I found this place instead. Now i can log on whenever i like and be as mental as i like and vent it all out here. Also go onto ebay and buy a bumper pack of really cheap kits, so you can test when you get the urge and it doesnt make such a big deal of every test. I always also keep an expensive one on standby for the day AF is due incase she doesnt come and i feel the need to be totally sure. (not that i ever use it! I'm as regular as clockwork on the whole, v depressing but at least not a waste of money lol).

My husband is blissfully ignorant now of how obsessive I am, and he's all the happier for it. Even keep the tests a secret. I tell him when the witch has arrived, that's all. And I get to imagine lots of ways to tell him if i ever get a BFP :-)
hahah clem I'm doing exactly the same as you!

I don't mention anything to hubby about when is the right time or anything like that - I just instigate BD on the good days!!!
He told me before that I talk about it all too much and that it will happen when it happens blah blah blah - so I found this place and have been waffling on here about everything!!!

I even told him a little white lie about the accupuncture being solely about getting my periods back to being on time - he also thinks that my doctors surgery recommended the clinic I'm going too,
I know thats bad of me - but he would go mental at me if he knew it was all about improving my fertility!

Oh and in the madness of my waffle I forgot to say Welcome to Crystalize!!! So Hi and welcome!

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