Why am I like it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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For a change it's not OH that I want to moan about it's myself!
It's just that I'm sooo moody with him all the time and it's not like it's occasionaly, I'm always moaning at him for stupid little things and it's getting to the point where
I feel sorry for him.
I have been in 2 really bad relationships, the 1st one was constantly violant throughout our 5 year relationship and the 2nd couldn't stop cheating on me. My OH is nothing like them at all, he works so hard to support me and our little bundle of joy on the way, he treats me with respect (although he is lazy when it comes to housework but he is a bloke) and he will do anything for me. He worships the ground I walk on and he is forever telling me he loves me which makes it harder to understand why I nag him so much. It's always over something stupid as well. I go on at him like he can't do anything right but it's me not him. He works 6 days a week and does over time everyday and he comes home to me nagging him. I'm not suprised he does overtime everday, if I was my boyfriend I would do overtime too!
I think he is warey about what he says and does around me incase he gets an earfull off me. He says its hormones but can hormones really make you that bad? [/b]
Hiya hun, I'm exactly the same with my OH, he blames my hormones too. I hope its just a phase and that it will pass. I seem to go on and on at the OH coz everything he does just annoys me! Then when I've calmed down, I feel guilty but it doesnt stop me from being horrible to him again a couple of hours later :(
I know what you mean!! I felt so guilty the other day I cried! I told him I was sorry and that I didn't know why I was so horrible to him and he said its ok I know its your hormones but a few hours later I was going on at him again.
I'm lucky he is so understanding.
Hi Vicky

this sounds quite normal to me. I have also had a couple of disasterous relationships in the past (e.g. my last 3 boyfriends cheated on me) and I find it hard to trust. I know my OH loves me and is different to the rest but I still have that doubt in the back of my mind at times.

I think being pregnant, and all the raging hormones, just trigger things off at times. I have been like you, had a go at OH over something silly, then cried coz I knew I was in the wrong. :think: Weird.

Hang in there, I'm sure he's a good one, you just need to relax a bit more and let the relationship take it's course.

I'm the same way, and on top of the occasional fits of sadness and anger he has to deal with, I'm more nagging because I don't have the energy to clean the house as much as I used to. It's just a normal part of pregnancy I suppose, and as long as we're not dishing out constant abuse, it is their job to put it up with it and love us anyway. :lol:
Though I feel guilty and cry too, which drives him even more crazy since now he usually writes it off as hormones in the first place anyway.
hormones definately can be powerful- i'v been bordering on psychotic when i'v had PMS and hav been up and down since i got pregnant.

if u werent like this before, i'd say its deff. ur hormones. (if it isnt, blame them anyway!)

its great that he's so supportive & understanding, u got a good un there! :hug:

maybe tell him ur aware of how u are and u dont mean it, and that ur sorry? thats what i do after i'v had a crazy episode, and he's still with me after 7 years lol
You sound exactly like me, I cant believe how much!! Reading your first post was like reading something Id written!

I dont know why I do it to my OH either, I cant even blame the hormones cos I was like it before :lol:

I cant blame any past relationships cos its only him I've been serious with. I've just got a really bad temper and any little thing makes me go into a mood and obviously OH is the one whos around me the most so its him that gets it in the neck :oops:

I nag at him for not doing housework then when he does (and he does try so hard to keep me happy bless him!) I still usually have something to complain about, like he hasnt done it right or whatever.

He works full time, I dont work at all and Im far too hard on him. Even when he tells me he loves me I hardly ever say it back, only on texts lol. I love him to bits but I just find it hard to show it.

God I could go on all day but I think you know how it is cos you sound the same as me. Its a good job they love us :lol:
Oh you do sound just like me! :eek:

I'm exactly the same with the texts as well. He always tells me he loves me but I hardly ever say it back except in texts. He's all soppy and touchy feely but I can't be like that towards him, even though I do love him and it does make it harder when you can see they are trying their best to make you happy.

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