Who's instict was right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Decided we will probably ask the sex at our scan on wednesday coz i cant stand notknowing anymore, driving me crazy this time! everyone keeps telling me "u just know what ur having, ur instinc tells u" but i was convinced me son was a girl untill i saw his bits on a late scan so obviousy my motherly instinct is a bit out of touch! Who got it right and just knew it was a boy/girl?! x
well on my 1st pregnancy i was convinced i was having a boy... and she was a girl...

i think that im having a boy this time, so hopefully my motherly instinct is on back on track now.. :)

im soo desperate to know what we are having.. i could have a private scan in 3days but i dont want to pay £70 when i will get told for free (hopefully) on the 28th march!! but im dying to know :)
thats how we feel aswell, if they cant tell us then we will pay 4 one. I wasnt going to find out early on but now im soooo excited! Id love a girl but then another boy would be nice 4 ethan. x
yes that how we feel.. we would love a boy but another girl would be nice for Brooke :).. o well ive got 31days till my scan, im sure it will come round quick enough!! (i hope) x
as soon as i found out i was pregnant i had a funny felling it was a boy. in fact since day one i have referred to the baby as him/he.

i was right. xxx
i knew it was a boy from day one, but told the fella it was a girl just incase my gut was wrong and didnt want to disapoint him as he sooo wanted a boy
Decided we will probably ask the sex at our scan on wednesday coz i cant stand notknowing anymore, driving me crazy this time! everyone keeps telling me "u just know what ur having, ur instinc tells u" but i was convinced me son was a girl untill i saw his bits on a late scan so obviousy my motherly instinct is a bit out of touch! Who got it right and just knew it was a boy/girl?! x

Do they tell you the sex where you are?

At our hospital they don't and in the letter I received with my scan date it says not to ask, as its their policy not to say.

I'm not paying privately to find out, we are keeping it a surprise, although part of me would like to know now so I can buy either girly or boy bits. But I keep thinking, "no the surprise will be fantastic". lol.
I didnt find out with my son, i saw on the scan but i never asked them 2 confirm it so there was still that "what if i was wrong" and a nice moment at the birth. i want to know more for convenience this time. I was told they dont tell u here but after spkin 2ppl who were at the same hospital i found out that they were told when they asked. Im at a differnt hospital this time than with my son, they definately wouldnt tell u at the old hospital. where abouts r u? x
We knew bubs was a boy, we slightly had an advantage though because the men in OH's family only produce boys! lol x
I guessed girl and they told me girl at the scan. Have yet to find out if that was totally right of course!

I kinda always felt like he was a boy right up to the 20 week scan, I didn't find out sex then but just felt the pic loked like a boy baby! Everyone else always said I was having a boy too. But then going by old wives tales such as bump position and heart rate I started really thinking it was a girl, and when I finally found out at 27 weeks I was still a little suprised that my first instinct was right!! xx
I initially felt girl, as we wanted a girl we thought it would probably be a boy, but she is indeed a girl! My mam was 100% sure she was a girl though, since well before the scan.
with my first i kept saying it was a girl and at the hospital we were at they didnt tell you the sex at the scans so we had to wait till the baby had arrived and she was a girl so i was really happy as this is what i wanted.
This one i keep thinking its a boy but i think that could be wishful thinking

Oh and pinkhank we are due on the same day
I don't mind as long as baby is healthy but I'd love a girl but my instincts and looking at the old wives tales are poitnting to little boy! We find out in 5 days :)
As boys run on both sides of the family I thought it would be a boy but was thinking more and more it was a girl from 8 weeks, family said it would be a boy but I was right :)
I don't mind as long as baby is healthy but I'd love a girl but my instincts and looking at the old wives tales are poitnting to little boy! We find out in 5 days :)

Our scans on Wednesday, is yours 2? so excited now! x
Jazz and Clarebear, my Oh's family is totally male doiminted aswell so were guessing a boy but u never know! MY friend had a baby recently and her OH is one 5boys and they had a girl! x
Hey hun mines on friday 4th march so 7 days officially but I don't count the day of the scan or today cause it feels closer! :p hehe
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