Who's having a home birth?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I was pretty sure that I was going to have baby at the hospital, but I'm more and more swaying towards a home birth.

I feel much more comfortable with the idea of being in my own home, being able to get in my own bath and bed after and be in comfortable surroundings.

I'm not scared of hospitals at all, but I do believe that I would be more comfortable in my own environment. Our hospital is not too far anyway (about 10-15 minute drive) so can easily get there if it's really needed.

The only pro side to the hospital that is out weighing things is the potential to use the pool, which will ease my arthritis pain and SPD I'd hope, but there's only 1 pool there so no guarantees.

Anyone else having a home birth? Especially those who are having their first, was you MW ok with your choice? :think:

I am planning a home birth and my midwife is very supportive. They are also lending me a birthing pool so I don't have to get one myself. Everyone I have spoken to on the team has been very good about it - i think they all prefer homebirths to be honest and they are all trained and experienced in water births so if my usual midwife doesn't get here I totally trust that whoever does will be fully capable of looking after me.
I was actually quite surprised as I had heard so many tales of midwifes/doctors being opposed to homebirths but I haven't had one negative comment.

For me it will be far more relaxing to give birth in my own home. I am not keen on hospitals at the best of times and would much rather be in familiar surroundings. All of the birth stories I have read here have been so inspiring as well.

Oh and this is my first baby.

Good luck.
I was planning a homebirth until all of these money problems! The pool Sherlock suggests is only £19.99. She has posted a lot about it so she is the best person to get the information about it, but it seems just as good for the most part as an "official" birthpool. I feel the same way about hospitals, etc, so was really hoping to be able to stay at home.

As far as support, my midwife seemed excited by the idea! I think it is still rare here and I'm sure it is nicer for the midwives for a lot of the same reasons as it is for us. Good luck! I would definitely do it if it weren't for everything else.
Yes I have planned a homebirth and its my first baby!

Midwives have been mixed in their responses but overall they haven't been able to object. You are entitled to give birth whereever you want to!


Also moss, you don't need a pool for a home birth. Use your bath to sit in and then give birth whereever you like in the house.

My mw suggested it to me and said I could use her pool. I was seriously considering it but my house is small and I couldn't be bothered with the clearing up after. I just want to go to the hospital, make a mess there, and come home to my clean house and settle in comfortably.
Aww Moss, I really feel for you :hug:

One of my other pros was to actually SAVE a bit of money! If we go to the hospital, there's parking to pay, food for OH, money for phonecalls, and a small emergency stash incase there's anything we've forgotten to bring!

If he arrives on time or early, pennies will be a little tight as OH doesn't get paid until 24th (due 21st!)
Im hoping to have a home birth, but this is my 2nd and i had my first in hospital, but i wasnt allowed to have Jack at home becoz of my blood pressure this time. I got swayed coz i didnt feel the after care was very good when i had him in hospital so i would feel alot more comfortable being in my own enviroment afterwards and OH not being sent home!
I know I don't need a pool, but because of my SPD I can't get in and out of my bath. I wanted the pool to relieve the pressure from everything, but if I can't have that I feel like I need to be in the hospital to get the pain relief I was hoping not to get. I'm not going to have a phone by then so I feel like not having a pool, not having a phone, not having money to buy things like extra towels, sheets, etc... I'm probably going to have to be going to the hospital!
Mrs_Jay said:
i would feel alot more comfortable being in my own enviroment afterwards and OH not being sent home!

This is one of the things I really hate the idea of! I want to spend our first night as a family! Not sat on a ward with OH being sat at home alone!

The mess making part does put me off, and we only have a little one bed flat...but our lounge is probably a lot more roomy than a labour suite room!

Plus the kitchen leads straight off there and can stock up on lots of refreshments to be just there! :D
Im hoping to have mines at home.

Had Cameron in hospital and didnt enjoy, felt like i never relaxed with him until i got home.
I also hate the idea of being away from Brian, im a bit of a panicer.

I feel id be alot more relaxed at home where i was practically tied to bed in hospital and wasnt allowed to change position when it felt natutral for me.

Im also loving the idea of being able to go upstairs after and snuggle.
HideiLu said:
Mrs_Jay said:
i would feel alot more comfortable being in my own enviroment afterwards and OH not being sent home!

This is one of the things I really hate the idea of! I want to spend our first night as a family! Not sat on a ward with OH being sat at home alone!

The mess making part does put me off, and we only have a little one bed flat...but our lounge is probably a lot more roomy than a labour suite room!

Plus the kitchen leads straight off there and can stock up on lots of refreshments to be just there! :D

Is there a midwife run birthing centre near you?? My local hospital doesn't allow OHs to stay so from the beginning we've said we definitely would go there unless it was an emergency thing.

In Kent there are 2 birthing centres that I know of which are both the same distance from me so a 35 minute drive to either. I've rung them and they said they will take me from after 37 weeks, have 2 pools and 5 private rooms so as long as they aren't full we'll have a room to ourselves with a double bed :D . I asked what happens if they are full and they said they just push 2 beds together on the ward for us. It's worth the long drive to have that.
Aww that sounds lovely Hazel!

There is one in Crowborough which is about 35 mins of so from us. Heard really good things about it and beleive they have a couple of pools there too.

OH is more of a fretter than me, and can imagine him getting very stressed running around fetching snacks, topping up the pennies on the car parking then coming back up to the TWELTH floor where the labour ward is and at the end being pushed out to go home alone!

Think I will have a chat with OH tonight then chat with MW on Friday.

Do they mind you changing plans this late on? I'd rather at least have it in my plans with the option of going to hospital, than have hospital as the plan and not be able to go home or move around when I want to.
Daffodil said:
Also moss, you don't need a pool for a home birth. Use your bath to sit in and then give birth whereever you like in the house.


Its not as simple as that Daffodil. Its really not practical or comfortable nor is it any good for the MW to monitor you, which they will need to do. Nor is there room for moving around and properly covering your bump and back which is the key thing when labouring in water. Baths are simply not deep enough for the purpose.

Also most bathrooms are not big enough to fit more than a couple of people and the MW will remain while the woman is in the water and not leave the room (unless for a loo break etc). Not good if she or anyone else needs the loo :roll:

You really need a pool of some sorts if you wish to use water. Even if its the one we got for £15 from Amazon. You will change position, need to float and be submerged in the water and be able to move as you need. Baths don't allow any of this. It needs to be a certain depth and allow access to the MW and for the labouring woman to get in and out easily enough.
HideiLu said:
Mrs_Jay said:
i would feel alot more comfortable being in my own enviroment afterwards and OH not being sent home!

This is one of the things I really hate the idea of! I want to spend our first night as a family! Not sat on a ward with OH being sat at home alone!

The mess making part does put me off, and we only have a little one bed flat...but our lounge is probably a lot more roomy than a labour suite room!

Plus the kitchen leads straight off there and can stock up on lots of refreshments to be just there! :D
as ive done it once i feel a bit more prepared for the amount of mess :lol: so we just have loads of cheapo sheets and shower curtains to scatter about lol.
HideiLu said:
Do they mind you changing plans this late on? I'd rather at least have it in my plans with the option of going to hospital, than have hospital as the plan and not be able to go home or move around when I want to.

You should be fine to request a homebirth now :) They don't book you in till you are 36/37 weeks anyways for it as you cannot have a homebirth before then. Once you turn that corner you will get your hombirth box (sealed for the MW's use) and can look forward to it :) And will need to get a few supplies in ;) (PM if you want a list of things to consider getting)

If you are comfortable with homebirthing and are able to keep an open mind that occasionally women have to be transferred to hospital thats the key. I think women who choose to homebirth really do want the natural comfortable environment experience to bring their baby into the world. I don't think there are any half committed women opting for it.

Anything you want to know drop me a PM and I'll be happy to help :) My home birth story is linked in my sig if you fancy a read :)
HideiLu said:
The mess making part does put me off, and we only have a little one bed flat...but our lounge is probably a lot more roomy than a labour suite room!

There really isn't that much mess tbh. Its all cleared up by the MW's and taken away in yellow bags after. And it only happens at the end ;) The rest of the time its pretty tidy I found. Mind you I was in the pool for about 1/3 of my labour. But still, having the freedom to move round my own home, watch TV, have OH right there with me, made me very relaxed and not worry about anything else.

A few plastic sheets and old bed sheets and you'll be fine. O and a few old towels are good too :)
moss said:
I know I don't need a pool, but because of my SPD I can't get in and out of my bath. I wanted the pool to relieve the pressure from everything, but if I can't have that I feel like I need to be in the hospital to get the pain relief I was hoping not to get. I'm not going to have a phone by then so I feel like not having a pool, not having a phone, not having money to buy things like extra towels, sheets, etc... I'm probably going to have to be going to the hospital!

Awww sorry to hear finances are not great.

FWIW old sheets and towels are fine :) Charity shop stuff will do. Also mine all washed well and looked fine also afterwards. Now they are dog towels and the old sheets are stashed for dust sheets :lol: We had one of our own towels to wrap LO in after he was born.

Plastic sheeting is cheap if you get some cheapie shower curtains.

And for the rest, most of it you'll have in the house or can borrow if need be I am sure.

All just in case you decide to go for it at home :) We spent about £30 all up on things. Everything else we had in.
Sherlock said:
HideiLu said:
Do they mind you changing plans this late on? I'd rather at least have it in my plans with the option of going to hospital, than have hospital as the plan and not be able to go home or move around when I want to.

You should be fine to request a homebirth now :) They don't book you in till you are 36/37 weeks anyways for it as you cannot have a homebirth before then. Once you turn that corner you will get your hombirth box (sealed for the MW's use) and can look forward to it :) And will need to get a few supplies in ;) (PM if you want a list of things to consider getting)

If you are comfortable with homebirthing and are able to keep an open mind that occasionally women have to be transferred to hospital thats the key. I think women who choose to homebirth really do want the natural comfortable environment experience to bring their baby into the world. I don't think there are any half committed women opting for it.

Anything you want to know drop me a PM and I'll be happy to help :) My home birth story is linked in my sig if you fancy a read :)

Thanks Sherlock, I most probably will drop you a PM for a list of essentials. Going to have a chat with OH, about it first. Just sent him a little text to see how he responds to the idea. 8)

I am completely open to the idea of going to hospital if that's whats best for baby.

I am also open to pain relief but much prefer trying for as natural as possible first. :)
i had a homebirth for my first and i couldnt recomend it enough
it was lovely as after we could just all relax as a family
as for the mess there wasnt anything really and what there was the midwifes cleaned up even hubby was impressed by the lack of mess everywhere
i just had a shower curtain a few old towels some disposible bed mats and an old duvet to sit on as it was comfy.
i dint use a pool, and i did it all with gas and air at the end as i was 6cm before i had any of that and i dint use any for pushing.
goodluck if you really want it
i think there was about 10 of us (people due within a month or so of eachover) that wanted a homebirth but i think only 3 of us ended up having one for one reason or another so defo keep an open mind about going into hospital
HideiLu said:
Thanks Sherlock, I most probably will drop you a PM for a list of essentials. Going to have a chat with OH, about it first. Just sent him a little text to see how he responds to the idea. 8)

I am completely open to the idea of going to hospital if that's whats best for baby.

I am also open to pain relief but much prefer trying for as natural as possible first. :)

My hubby really loved our homebirth and was so glad we choose for it. He supported me fully for it all the way, even when we were advised by Docs not to have one. He was able to be involved in planning things before baby arrived, to help make some decisions (like pool, where to place it, what else to get etc) and played a huge part in helping Galen come into the world.

He loved it was so personal for us, that the MW kept a discreet distance in the background until she was really needed and that it was more or less the two of us. He was hands on and it was so good to be able to look into his eyes and know he was right there and it was just us. He played a huge part in it all, far more than in hospital and it was then bliss to just head upstairs and fall into bed with our son between us and watch the sunrise and hear the birds chirping.

I do hope your OH is for it. I know some people worry about the risks, but its no less safe than birthing in hospital and they will transfer you if needed. And it really is a moving wonderful experience you share together. Far more than if in hospital ::)

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