Who's having a home birth?

He's just text back saying;

'I'm not sure babe. They say us 1st is better off in hospital but it's ur decision. I will support u either way. xx'

Aww it's made me smile and hopefully can have a good chat with him later to weigh up the pros and cons.

This thread has made me very happy today, thanks ladies! :) :hug:
HideiLu said:
He's just text back saying;

'I'm not sure babe. They say us 1st is better off in hospital but it's ur decision. I will support u either way. xx'

Aww it's made me smile and hopefully can have a good chat with him later to weigh up the pros and cons.

This thread has made me very happy today, thanks ladies! :) :hug:


If you've had a good pregnancy and have a supportive MW then go for it if its what you want. If there were any problems the MW would see you were transferred. And as first labours tend to be much slower than subsequent ones, problems are generally spotted in plenty of time. Home MW's know their stuff and won't put your health or that of your baby at risk when birthing at home, know and trust that.

Homebirth site is great for info btw :)
I think I'd really like a home birth but my front room is so tiny and it would be a nightmare with my dog, im also quite a drive from hospital and in rush hours especially the traffic is really bad so don't want to take and unnecessary risks, my DH is quite a worrier and already seems to have quite unrealistic views of what labour will be like (he watches too much tv :roll: im hoping antenatal class will put him straight) so think he will be more comfortable if I am in hospital, the birth centers arn't an option really neither of the two in Cornwall are anywhere near us the biggest thing I hate the thought of is DH having to go home!
Penstraze said:
biggest thing I hate the thought of is DH having to go home!

This seems to be a common thing. It's something I've said from the start. I want that first night to be our night as a family - it's not just about me and LO, there will be 3 of us and want OH to feel part of that.
ive requested a home birth. the midwife was pleased i asked for one... she poo poo'd people who said that because it was our first we should have it at hospital. we also live near the hospital so wouldnt be that far if we did need to go in. i work in our local a&e & the OH doesnt like hospitals so even more reason not to go in (we both dont want to be there). midwife said she will come to our house around 34-36 weeks & then providing baby doesnt try to show until 37+weeks then all should be fine :D
:) Yey Im hoping to have a home birth for lots of different reasons. Our "house" is tiny......as in 15 by 20 foot square is the WHOLE house. We dont have a bath so I will end up plonked in the shower at the start then just have to get through the pain sat on the sitting room floor which Im fine with.

The midwife seen our house on the first appointment and she said it is extreamly small but the room you need is enough to bend down in people give birth in the back of cars remember!!!!

I also really really don't want my OH to be sent away. I would cry if I had to go a night with out him at anytime let alone just after having OUR little child. :D Home birth just sounds good to me.....everyone seems to think you have to be mad but to me it makes sense less hassle getting to and from the hospital and worrying about what I have and haven't got with me.

Just had a little chat with OH and shown him all the positive comments you ladies have made and he is ok with the idea! :cheer:

His main concern, despite him not liking hospitals at all, was that he sees hospitals as 'safe' but I have assured him that I am completely comfortable with the idea of being taken in and that MW will be here so if she believed there to be any complication she would send us straight to the hospital.

Just need to have a chat with MW on Friday now and take things from there! :D
Here is some research on home births
http://www.homebirth.org.uk/homebirthin ... h%20Papers

Many studies show a better outcome for women who birth at home (who have a normal pregnancy)

'In multiparous women, perinatal outcome was significantly better for planned home births than for planned hospital births, with or without control for background variables.'

Conclusion: 'Healthy low risk women who wish to deliver at home have no increased risk either to themselves or to their babies.'

'The results of this study showed no evidence of an increased risk associated with home confinements but indicated that there were fewer problems than were encountered in the deliveries in mothers confined in hospital.'

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