Who's had the flu jab?

I had mine a few weeks ago, no side affects and felt better me and bubs were protected xxx
I wanted to have it, my midwife said to wait until after 12 weeks, so I'll see what she says when I get to that point
Think by the time I organise it it'll be after my scan on 4th Jan anyway, so I might go for it then. Thanks girls!
Just got my letter in post...I still don't know what to do. My mother keeps putting the fears in me....but then when I see stories of ladies who have died after not having it, it scares me too...
I've had mine :), no side effects for me.

I would rather have had it, more to be safe than sorry :)
yes I think I will have it, I'll be having my scan on 29th so all goes well I'll arrange for it in Jan x
I just don't see why they put mercury in it - one of the most poisonous substances known to man.

I've never personally known of any1 who died from not having it, and I really believe that those stories are planted as scare tactics.
The less chemicals going into my body while I'm carrying my child, the better.

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I just don't see why they put mercury in it - one of the most poisonous substances known to man.

I've never personally known of any1 who died from not having it, and I really believe that those stories are planted as scare tactics.
The less chemicals going into my body while I'm carrying my child, the better.

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Sorry but I do know someone who nearly died last year from swine flu. People who are at most risk are those with compromised immune systems which includes pregnant woman. As mentioned there are others on this forum who have directly lost family members (who weren't even elderly) to this in the past year. It's far from scare tactics, we're talking about real people we know here.

I'm really not trying to scare anyone into having it, I do believe it's a personal choice. For me the benefits far outweigh the side effects. I just think people should make an informed decision when presented with the facts. Its easy to label something a media scare campaign, on this occasion I really do not think that is the case.
tiny amounts of mercury exist naturally in your body too.
Swine flu is much worse than regular flu. And its not seen as a pandemic anymore.

And I am making an informed decision. I've read multiple websites and other sources about it because I wasn't sure about it, and I've decided not to go ahead with it.

Of course its personal choice, but I don't think enough people read up on what it actually contains. Most people just go ahead and get it because that's what everyone else is doing.

My dad has asthma and is supposed to get it every year. For the past 5 or 6yrs or so, he has got it, and spent the winter ill. This year he didn't get it, and is fine.

Like I said, if ur happy enough to get formaldehyde etc injected into u, that's entirely up to u. I'd just rather not. :)

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the 2009 FDA (american health board ppl) ingredients from the initial H1N1 vaccine http://www.fda.gov/biologicsbloodvaccines/vaccines/questionsaboutvaccines/ucm186102.htm
thimerosal is the bit that contains mercury.
formaldehyde is a preservative and harmless in the minute quantities used if indeed it is used as i can only find 1 reference to it on a random website called buzzle

for basic info ordinary google searches are ok but i wouldnt hold them to gospel truth. for more reliable and detailed medical and accredited info look to google scholar

i appreciate your standpoint jayjay and congratulate you on doing research to make an informed decision but also think its a bit unfair to say things like ' if ur happy enough to get formaldehyde etc injected into u, that's entirely up to u. I'd just rather not. :smile:' as thats a bit of a scare tactic and many ppl will just take your opinion and that info and not get the vaccine instead of doing their own research. maybe you could help them get a well rounded informed opinion to make their decision with by citing sources that support your viewpoint and information as i think that would be more helpful to ppl that dont know where to look to find the information but are interested in doing the research.
im glad your dad has been well this year and noone is saying you havent done your research. this is just one of those subjects that provoke a strong response in some ppl and confuse a lot of others. i truly hope all goes well for everyone no matter what decision they make :)
its interesting that both of those sites attribute some of their copyright or information and reference a dr tenpenny. wonder who she is...off to look her up lol

edit ooh shes and american osteopath thats written a book against vaccines lol. that makes her a kind of chiropractor right?

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Oooh it's so tricky isn't it? There will always be for and against arguments and you can read as many scientific articles as you like, many from the best journals around, and there still won't be a definitive answer. I guess it mostly comes down to personal preference. I'm torn, as because like JayJay I don't like the idea of injecting substances that could potentially be harmful, but on the other hand if I got the flu and it put my unborn baby at risk I'd never forgive myself. I have booked in to have it done 9th Jan, so still plenty of time to think about it!

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