Who is going to pop next??????


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Well with all the excitement of the last few days who do you think will be next??

Vicky and me are due on the same day 22nd Dec.... not long now... but we have been pipped to the post by Ebony and Tasha!! lololol

Are you haveing any signs vicky?????

I have been having a period pain feeling on and off since wednesday but it only lasts about 10 seconds and I may have like 1 evry couple of hours... so I don't think anything is really happening for me.. although I have been visiting the loo lots of times!! lol
Sounds promising for you Lyndsey ...thats how I started off. Doing lots of poos over a few days lol and having braxton hicks, then at 5.30am the day before labour it turned into contractions... so this could be it for you hun. **crosses fingers** :hug:
I think we might have a race to he finish here girls, right I think Lynds you will go Wed..have bubba thurs and Vic on Christmas Eve :cheer:
Violet how long through before it started for real?? I have been having this since last wednesday!! I am getting fed up with it now and want the real thing to start!!! :)
I tihnk it'll be you next Lindz!

I've actually had a few pains this morning but nothing spectacular, probably wind knowing my luck! :lol:
Thats what I keep thinking! It doesn't help that huby has had a bad stomach and has been going to the loo as many times as me!

I bet I have eaten a dodgy curry or something!
I think Lyns and Vicki will be pretty close, a bit of a race like Tasha and Ebony.

And me...well im so going to go overdue. I can feel it in my waters :(
Me too Jades, we mite have a race too!! Wahoo, how exciting!!! :dance:
Nah you will go before me Zoe, im damn sure of it :wink:
Well just seen MW and baby has disengaged and I am only 4/5 engaged.... ( from 3/5 last monday!) :cry:

So baby is no where near ready to come out.. she was talking induction dates of 10 days post due date ( NEW YEARS EVE) :shock:

I only have 1 request - that this baby does not come on christmas day!!!!
I will be gutted for you if I do mate! We are twinnies tho remember, so we may go the same day!!! How COOL would that be!!!???? As long as its sooner rather than later...

I have notcied a pattern here tho. All our girls seem to go in pairs, a bit like when women go the loo is pairs :think: :rotfl: So its defo Lynds and Vic will go together me thinks :cheer:
It might make the pain easier, knowing Vic is going through it at the same time as you!! Pity you coulnt get a video link, and see where each of you is up to, it might spur you on to push harder :rotfl:

I am getting silly now. I will shut up :shhh:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

It does seem true about the pair thing tho!!
:wink: You just wait and see...its defo true. We have a pattern emerging :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: You lot are very slowly but surely losing what marbles you had left! :wink:

Noiw all together now PUSH!!
Im going to get out a crochet needle and get all these waters breaking me thinks!! :rotfl:
DON'T - I seriously thought about doing something like this last night!!!
Even spoke to hubby about it and said what did he think about putting his fingers up there and wiggling them around! :shock: :shock: :doh:
Needless to say we haven't done anything like this and I wouldn't I mean its better for baby to come when he/she is ready!!! But I am getting very impatient!!!!!!!!!! :?

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