Who is and isnt going to breastfeed and why?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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The reason im asking is i absolutely HATE my nipples being touched. Even taking off a top and i brush against them, it turns me sick. I obviously want whats best for my baby but i dont know how im going to cope with the feeling.
well i am planning to but i will see what happens, as i have a nearly 8 yr old son, i might be embarrassed lol but im going to try to BF anyway and do it discreetly even if it is only for a month
I am going to bottle feed.
I believe its a great way for daddies to bond with their babies. I mean us ladies bond so quickly with our babies as they are growing everyday for 9 months inside us, also its a great way to share the night feeds!
I'm going to breastfeed. I was going to with Stanley, but gave up very quickly and regretted it for ages.

I don't believe Stanley is any worse off for being formula fed but this will be my last baby and I would lke to experience being a bf-ing mother :)
i'm going to feed this one i fead emma and bottled james and to b honest brest was better for me :cheer: so i'll be feeding this one
I intend to but if i manage i'll be the first female in the family to be able to, so will have to see.
Do you think it would be too much work to express during the day and then our partners can do a feed a night?

I suppose I sort of think your milk is always available but maybe it isn't that easy? :think:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Do you think it would be too much work to express during the day and then our partners can do a feed a night?

I suppose I sort of think your milk is always available but maybe it isn't that easy? :think:

It's best to do it all from the breast in the early days to get it all established and up and running. I suppose after a couple of months it may be an option though, IF your baby will take a bottle after a lovely squashy warm boob :D
I wont be breast feeding. I tried to breast feed with Zachary but I just could not get on with it and was not comfortable with it, and I knew deep down that because I wasnt comfortable with it, I wouldnt make it work.

I was really happy bottle feeding my son, as was my hubby as he had so much involvement, and the main thing was Zac was healthy and happy so I will be doing it again, from birth.

I think everyone should do what they are comfortable with and what they feel is best. :D
The only thing thats edging me towards breast feeding, is the fact that if your baby wakes up crying during the nights, there's no running downstairs half asleep and messing with bottles. Just simply pick up your baby, get back into your warm bed and pop out your boob :rotfl:
mabelina said:
The only thing thats edging me towards breast feeding, is the fact that if your baby wakes up crying during the nights, there's no running downstairs half asleep and messing with bottles. Just simply pick up your baby, get back into your warm bed and pop out your boob :rotfl:

That's a really good point! I think I will be breastfeeding as it will be much better for the baby's development (apparently!) and also things are very cramped at home so will be easier to not be rummaging in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning!
I would recommend that if you're a first time mummy, do your research before making up your mind one way or another as there are pros and cons to both.

As for daddies bonding with the baby, you don't need to be feeding a baby to bond with it. I exclusively BF DD till she was 4 months and she and her dad are sooooo close, she's a daddy's girl and he's wrapped round her little finger!
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I'm gonna try. I did last time for one day but he couldn't retain his blood sugar levels on my milk so it was either him be put on a drip in NICU or I give him a bottle... Guess which I chose :roll: ....!!!
I did see somewhere the other day a bottle that had a top on it shapped like a sort of nipple at an angle to try and encourage the same sort of mouth action that a baby uses on the nipple so you can try and do both.
can you mix and match?

breast and formular at the same time?
HollyHobby said:
can you mix and match?

breast and formular at the same time?

You can mixed feed, but it's harder to manage and generally has a negative effect on your breastmilk supply. Quite often it leads to solo FF as BM diminishes. They do say to try hard and establish exclusive breastfeeding if that's the way you want to go, but there are members here who have mixed fed with varying degrees of success. Redshoes I think did well?
I wouldn't worry about Daddy's not bonding - there are loads of other things they can do instead of feeding. Even getting them to help in the night I think is a bit of a false economy - we tried it a couple of times with EBM but because it takes time to warm up, and I naturally reacted quicker than Hubby when LO was stirring, I was fully awake anyway! Plus they usually only get a max of 2 weeks off work. When you b/f, your body releases hormones to help you get back to sleep. OH used to do the early mornings before work which suited us much better.
I will definatley be doing it again.
I'm going to do my best at breast feeding. I've always wanted to, and now my bbs have gone up a size to 34 F :shock: I'd feel it was a waste if I did't share!! :lol:
mabelina said:
The reason im asking is i absolutely HATE my nipples being touched. Even taking off a top and i brush against them, it turns me sick. I obviously want whats best for my baby but i dont know how im going to cope with the feeling.

I hate my nipples being messed around with too.. i thought it was just me! lol

I will definately give breastfeeding a go though as i want the baby to get the antibodies which the breast milk has but formula doesnt. I think im more conscious of this as i suffer from an autoimmune disease (crohns) so my immune system is a bit shot to pieces. If there is anything i can do to help the babies immune system i will. Even if i can only do it for a few weeks or months i'll be happy.

Just so you ladies know, there is a "breastbuddies" thread in TRI 3. They are basically pairing up new mums with other members who have breastfed for support. Its a great idea and maybe something to consider..

Claire x

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