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Shattered and Emotional!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I am so tired, as in absolutely-feeling-sick-because-of-it-dog-tired by 4pm and I have to nap. My problem is that I work til 5pm, so I am going to be shattered. Plus I didn't really want them to know until I am 13 weeks because I think they are going to be a bit miffed, there are only 4 people in my team.
Also am so bloated and have to undo top button of jeans in afternoon, yet am only just gone 5 weeks. I have my first appointment with my midwife tomorrow, so hopefully she'll reassure me.
Been really emotional too. Crying at the Miriam Stoppard book. Crying at the cards in Clinton Cards when I was shopping for my mums b'day card.

Arrgghh, whats going to happen when I start puking! I am just going to want to stay in bed all day!
Hi there,

you have my total sympathy over the tiredness thing- I posted about it below somewhere but I had about a fortnight of feeling so tired between 3pm-5pm that I could have wept! I haven't told my work yet either and there's only 4 of us too. Basically the only way I could deal with the tiredness was to get home (at about 5.20) fall straight into bed and get an hour's sleep. After that I felt great! It meant cooking dinner the night before and heating it up when my husband got home at 6.45 but it did help. Just having that extra hour on top of a fun night's sleep definitely made the afternoon tiredness bearable.

As for emotional I cried when I accidentally caught the last 5 mins of Three Men and a Baby yesterday- how sad is that?!! I must have seen it about four times before anyway and it's so tacky!! It's insane! I'm 10 weeks on Wednesday and I have to say that the things that were really getting to me a few weeks ago have almost gone now- morning sickness, really bad bloating and wind, muscle cramps in my legs and fatigue etc etc. I expect that lots of these things will return eventually but for now I'm hoping for a second trimester break. So- these things will pass :) :)

Good luck meeting your midwife- I get to meet mine for the first time briefly tomorrow too and then have a full appointment on Friday- I really hope she's nice :)

Thanks for your reply :)

It's reassuring to hear from someone who has felt exactly the same. DH is a star so I know that he wont mind me kipping for an hour as soon as I get home. My two colleagues know, but not my supervisor or anyone else. They are brilliant and I know that they won't breathe a word. It's more my superiors that I am worried about. I've just been offered a promotion which includes more work and will include a payrise, but my supervisor is off this week so I won't have anything in writing til they get back. I'm in two minds really, with how tired I am I don't think I could handle more work, yet the extra money will come in very handy. My work are really tight with sick pay etc, it's just SSP and the government funded maternity leave that I will get, so I don't know why they get so funny about things. I just know what my supervisor was like when a different colleague was pregnant, she was always making snidey remarks about her going off to antenatal visits etc, and said that they could be organised outside of work time (she never said this to the girl as her father is the director of our company), so I know what will be being said about me.
With it being my first pregnancy I don't know how I am going to be feeling or whether I am going to suffer really bad with M/S, if I do have time off it will be hard to explain.
Just wish these few weeks between now and the end of my first trimester would end. I found out at around 3 weeks 4 days so it has crept by so far.
Hi rosie & rose tiried don't tell me about it lol, I don't need a watch as between 3-4pm thats it I feel like not slept for week. I bloat more in the afternoon but wear jog bottoms so not too bad. I do shift work this week 6am-2pm which is ok and next week 2pm-10pm which is the killer shift as can't get a nap in the afternoon.
I'm 8 wks not due to hear from midwife til about 11wks. Lets try 2 get all the sleep we can while we can girls lol
Met my midwife for the first time today, bit of a scary experience!! Next up is an hour home visit on the 7th June, so a bit of a wait now.

Felt a bit daft when I asked her what exactly she did, was it just the check-up and things as obviously she didn't deliver the baby. :oops: :oops: :oops: I honestly thought it would be someone from the hospital that did that and she just checked my bloods etc over the next few months. She asked who exactly I thought would deliver my baby, :lol:. At least I feel reassured that I will deal with the same lady the whole way through. Apparently when I go into labour I call her and she goes in with me. I always thought that I had to go to hospital by myself.

Still feeling tired and emotional. Thank god I am not puking yet (and hopefully wont :wink: ) :lol:
It does differ a lot from one part of the Uk to another as to who delivers your baby.

Up here my midwife (community midwife) would only deliver the baby if it was a home birth, which I'm not having. Still it's nice to see the same person on a regular basis and then it's the same person who comes to see you when the baby is born so that's nice.
Hi Rosieroo!

I was exhausted from very early on, but am now at just over 14 weeks and am finally starting to feel a little more energetic, though the nausea hasn't passed yet!

Anyway, it does get better!


I met one of my midwives today- there's a clinic near me where there are seven midwives and so I'll see several of them over the time and one of them will be there for the birth- not sure if by that time I'll know which one! The lady I met was dead nice- she reminded me of my hairdresser in her ability to make me feel at ease and comfortable so I hope they're all as friendly! She just gave me lots of leaflets and talked about tests- my proper first appointment is on the 13th. I only get a 20 week scan here which is a bit disappointing but I can live with it. There was a very funny moment in the waiting room as I was in there with a lady who was about 6 months pregnant and another who looked to be the same stage as me and we were all obviously first time mums and were looking round the walls at the posters a bit nervously and two mums brought in new babies and took them upstairs somewhere where the babies started to scream and cry like you would not believe! Honestly I was so glad my husband wasn't there or he'd be heading for the hills! We all got the giggles after about 5 mins of this din and the lady who was 6 months reckoned it was a ploy to let us know what we're all in for!

I am still feeling exhausted and being sick at 15 weeks, i'm not working at the moment as we have just emigrated and i'm still looking for work, although i'm not sure how i will cope unless i can get something with flexi hours :)

As for work by law they have to give you paid time of for antenatal appointmaents, don't worry what other people say about you and if you think you're being picked on speak to someone higer up, companies these days don't stand for this sort of thing because of being taken to court. As for the other job it has to be your choice and once you've been offered it they can't then say no because they know you're pregnant, all i can say after having a problem pregnancy (bleeding) is just think of yourself and your baby youare the 2 most important people now and sod what anyone else says


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