Who dyes their own hair?

ahh erin my friends a hairdresser too and she always get it so perfectly done at her salon for free, totally jealous :(
I know what you mean, its not so much of a luxury when its your job tho!
Part of the reason I swapped to the Loreal one is that it washes off of towels and baths and walls and toilets and backs, arms, necks and ears!!!

The funniest time was where I've had blue hair and managed to dye my ears blue too - I looked like a pixie cos it wouldn't wash off for weeks!!!
:rofl: at m's disasters. I don't need hi-lights in the summer but get them in the winter. I'm way too much of a diva to do it myself so go to a salon. Costs £60 mind, but I have quite long hair so.....
I usually dye my hair myself too, have not had it done since October, my oh had to do it for me as I was on crutches and could not stand up with both hands free, he did a better job of it than what I would.
I used to, but now prefer making a day of it for hair and nails :)

My daddy used to do my mummys, she always used nice and easy, I remember once she went for ash blonde instead of her usual one, her hair went baby pink :rofl: It was so funny.. And a disaster of mine when I very stupidly used a highlighting colour as an all over head dye.... My hair was around the colour of an orange highligher pen!
I dye mine myself too. There are many horrific tales to tell lol!

1. I dye my hair brown from a dirty blonde colour, but decided i wanted my natural colour back so i bleached it....HUGE mistake! It went bright orange all over!! I cried and made my mom go and buy me some brown hair dye.

2. I decided i wanted red and blonde highlights on my natural colour and the red ended up post box red.... I had to leave it to fade as i couldn't dye it back.

3. I decided bleach blonde hair after dying it pink...Needless to say it ended very badly!!

And the list continues...

Now its half reddy brown, half my natural colour cos i cant be bothered to dye it as i feel it may be very traumatic! lmao!

I didn't think so many would dye their own :rofl:

I actually think this is ok, maybe abit dark....I look abit like that bird from the scissor sisters :rofl:

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