Whilst giving birth...

i wasnt naked lol.... not a chance in hell... :rotfl: :rotfl:

i had a nighty on from primark :lol: and my bra and socks. so no you can wear (within reason) whatever you want x
With Isla i dont remember how i got naked lol, DH assures me i threw my nightie across the room. With Morgan i was in theatre so wearing a hospital gown, so you can wear whatever you like honey except pants :rotfl:
I changed into a hospital gown. This made it easier for skin to skin contacted once the baby was born.
siany said:
I changed into a hospital gown. This made it easier for skin to skin contacted once the baby was born.

:( i didnt get to have skin to skin contact xxxxxx
I too just knew I wouldn't be naked, and wasn't, but a button top nightie solves any worries there for the ckin to skin, breastfeeding, after birth :) With Ophelia, I gave birth to her whilst still wearing my pants and bottoms, so clothed top and bottom :lol:
It is a beautiful name I agree :) :hug: :hug:
Very best wishes when it comes to having your baby too :hug:
And HONESTLY, no-ine but you will be thinking about your boobs, and you won't either when you're holding your baby :) Best wishes :hug:
I had on a t-shirt when I had Lydia, and a nightie when I had Alex

I can't imagine being totally naked giving birth.
I had my nightie on.. it was up round my boobs as i was walking to and from the toilet (cant remember why!) lol

Claire x
Once labor starts believe me you won't care if you have 10 layers of clothing on or none at all.....
I bought one of those short cotton type night dresses to give birth in.....think it was just a cheapy from Tesco's
Is it weird that I quite like the idea of giving birth naked? I hate restriction, and I think a nightie or hospital gown will just get in the way :think: If you know what I mean?
kellysomer said:
With Isla i dont remember how i got naked lol, DH assures me i threw my nightie across the room. With Morgan i was in theatre so wearing a hospital gown, so you can wear whatever you like honey except pants :rotfl:

I'm such a prude I was so worried about giving birth. However, I must have knocked myself out with the gas and air as I couldn't work out how I'd got in a hospital gown when I became slightly more with it after Jessica was born. I asked Neil and he said the midwife had said I need to put the gown on and I'd promptly whipped off my nightie and bra in front of a room full of people (there were apparently an awful lot of people present as things started going wrong but I may as well have not been there for all I can remember! :roll: ). Neil inissts I would have chosen to stay naked had he not tried to get the hospital gown on me! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Before the point where I lose all memory, I had been wearing a top and jeans (and underwear obviously) and insisted on keep getting dressed after they examined me each time as I felt a bit exposed in my nightie and no knickers! :rotfl:
I had a nightie on each time! I couldnt imagine giving birth naked too! :think:
I bought a big mens tshirt to wear, and then as soon as they were born both times just whipped it off for skin to skin. I'm normally quite prudish when it comes to showing off flesh so I was surprised as anyone that I'd stripped off! I laboured in the t-shirt though, and in pjama bottoms too right up until the midwife examined me at 7 cm both times. She did say I could put them back on if I felt more comfortable but I couldn't be bothered and really didn't care.

Both my births were at home though, so I can't comment on a hospital birth.
I am a hugely self conscious person! I said i'd only wear a nightie or a shirt! I went into labour early hours so i was already in a shirt. I went to hospital still wearing it! Within half an hour i was trying to rip it off! OH did it all for me! The midwife covered me over with the bed sheet, but i kept pulling it down. They turned the fan on above my head, but when it came to pushing they turned it off! So the sheet came back off again and she left me to it!
I NEVER, EVER thought i'd go naked. I cringed at the thought. But then straight after someone helped me in the shower, pad up my knickers and pull them up for me and help get me dressed!
You honestly won't care. They'll have seen worse.

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