Which make of nappies


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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How do I know which make of nappies to get???

A friend said Pampers are better for a girl and Huggies for a boy :think: .

What do you all reckon??????
im using huggies , naturals durring the day and superdry at night

i liked pampers babydry too tho but i wasnt keen on the newborn

tbh everything but huggies size 2 have fitted fine , and even they he grew into them better it was just when he started wearing them !
I'm using Asda! They work just as well as Pampers, just loads cheaper. I get size 2's now, but a pack of 1's were less than £2, and these size 2's are a double pack of 46 and cost me £3.74. Half the price of Pampers and just as reliable.
i always use pampers now as i find jayde leaks with huggies
I use(d) tesco's own (not value though - those leak) for both kids.
Found that Huggies newborns were better but Pampers size 2 upwards were better. We mostly use babydry all the time, but tried a pack of eco friendly disposables from boots this week and last, and they don't leak but feel a bit crunchy if you know what I mean.
I think its trial and error as to what suits you and your baby once they arrive.

We got the biodegradable ones but found Galen leaked out of them and they were not the greatest fit on his body when he was born. So resorted to Pampers and found he leaked badly out of those also :wall:

Tried Huggies and they have been great and he's not leaked once.

We are going over to reusable ones soon once we are through the grottiness of the early weeks and we have an idea of how things are going. Didn't see the need to stress myself trying to wash and dry nappies in the first few weeks as I had enough to do.
Seems to be the shape of the baby then :think: . Makes sense as I buy clothes from different shops and they have different cuts.

Another friend had also mentioned Asda nappies are good.

Trial and error it is then.
Tried Huggies at first but wasn't keen on the fit. We now use Pampers baby dry and prefer these. We have used Wilkinsons own brand on occasion which haven't been too bad.
Huggies or pampers are fine. Pampers are always on offer somewhere thou :wink: We also use the Tescos super fit which are great and 3 packs for £10 :D

Tried Asda and Morrisons own and there are huge gaps. Madame has skiny legs so where it fits perfectly round her waist all makes hang around her legs :roll: :rotfl:
i cant speak from experience but my friend has 2 month old twins & they are both in tescos own (think the packs are similar colours to pampers) & they swear by them....
I mostly use Pampers although little Moo had a bottom explosion today and Pampers didnt contain it :puke: I have used Huggies but find them a bit stiffer than Pampers. Others that are good are Tesco's own :wink:
Huggies for us because for some reason, the stretchy part on pampers brings LO out in a rash any where it touches his skin??
I use pampers/tescos/morrisons nappies. All work well with my little one :D
I buy Asda's now they are really good.
When Sam was newborn i thought Huggies were better than Pampers.
We use pampers but we've started using Aldi ones and they are ace!

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