Any1 else find huggies newborn nappies a bit of a let down?

How can you say?
Huggies are good for girls,
if any baby stuff provider Organization designing one product, they have been designing same product for infants, baby girl or boy not different for girls or boys.

Basically baby has lots of problem related to baby stuff and we can not notice it due to unknown thing of baby, why our baby feel uncomfortable and that time we guessing in wrong way.
See I loved huggies with my dd. Pampers leaked for dd BUT my OHs sistet has two boyd andbswore by them. So I am in a pickle in which to buy this time.
I have quiet literally used every nappy going. Huggies were great until Aila got to about 5 weeks then they leaked constantly. Pampers were fine but i just found they smelled really chemically before they were put on then like BevG said they stank of pee after. Tescos own bradnd i had no problem with used them when i was back home visiting family but i live in Guernsey and we have no Tesco or Asda here :). Currently using Naty Organic cause they were 3 for 2 in Waitrose and theyve only leaked twice and that was when we had ALOT of poo. So much that i wouldnt expect any nappy to hold it :) xxx
I have found huggies good for both boys and girls I have had the odd leak but found that was the case with all nappies.
I found huggies to be rubbish. I swapped to pampers active fit and love them, no leaks and they aren't bullky like the others. bit more pricey but I think its worth it for my sons comfort.
Price doesn't bother me I use pampers and huggies I just don't think huggies are bad. Everyone will have a different opinion i think just go with what works best for you
I honestly think babies come in all shapes and sizes and some fit some and not others. I used Huggies early on but they didn't seem to fit a well as J got older. Pampers now seem to fit him better. Just one of those things.

Using Tapatalk can't see no tickers grrrrr.
I think Huggies just need to redesign the newborn nappies because I'm of the same opinion with them being loose round the legs. Pampers now leak - but in all honestly it tends to be when its explosive poop lol so can see why!
But agree with Bev - Asda little angels are fab. They hold it all very well I have to admit!
Why dont you get maybe a pack of a few and try them? Rather than bulk buy one brand only to be let down by them when LO arrives?
We do have to remember that every baby is different.

i had my lo 6weeks ago lol
we have been using pampers and thry have been good so far :) used them with my 2nd child too
To be honest, Finn poos so much that it leaks at least once a day! One poo and that's it, comes out the dude. We've used pampers, Huggies, Tesco and boots own! None have leaked wee though x
Yep! Like you we had a few different ones, even Tesco own (not the cheapy cheap ones) and I won't use anything but Pampers now. Huggies ones leaked everywhere and the Tesco ones felt so stiff and uncomfortable, I never even used one on him.
im pregnant and have no children yet so i cant say from experience but a lot of people have told me huggies are rubbish an tescos own are better than huggies and pampers
I've found buggies were better for when LO started crawling. They keep stuff in better,mug aren't as absorbent.

Pa,Myers newborn nappies were fantastic x

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