
I used huggies for the newborn size (had a couple of newborn pampers samples and we didn't get on with them) but used pampers size 2 upwards, and tesco size 2 and they were both fine. Only reason why we used those was that they had already been bought for us. I use Pampers now as money isn't a problem for us, we get on fine with them and I get them on 2 for £16 at Boots. If someone was to buy us a different brand then I'd be happy to try them, but we're getting on well with pampers and I like the stupid little pictures on them, I make it a game with ryan to see which picture nappy he has next in the pile LOL.
Depends on the bum you're trying to cover...

A big/wide bum apparently is a huggies/ASDA bum

and a small/narrow bum is apparently a pampers/tesco bum... :)

It really is trial and error... which is why almost every mum on this forum has a prefered favorite... One thing I do know is that Pampers and Huggies are a waste of your money... the store brands are just as effective if not better, and miles cheaper. Its like most "brand" products.

Huggies and Asda were the best for Tia's bum as she had a big/wide one...

I've got a huge variety of bum coverings this time, as I am in a different country with different brands and I have no clue which one is best for what bum... so I'm doing the trial and error thing too... :) Although I did get the main brand Dodot new born to take to the hospital but I only got one small pack, and I don't hold out much hope for them.. :roll:
Stephen has a wide chucky bum and hes a pampers/tesco boy. He needs the stretchy tabs to go azround his waist as well as hes a big lad.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Stephen has a wide chucky bum and hes a pampers/tesco boy. He needs the stretchy tabs to go azround his waist as well as hes a big lad.

Thats why I said apparently... :rotfl: Think there might be a boy/girl quotent involved too... :D
I have found Tesco's to be the best - thumbs up from me :D
I now have a pack of pampers, a pack of tescos own, a pack of boots own and a pack of huggies. This way I can try them all. The boots ones where only 1.50 and the tescos where 1.90something.
How many new born nappies do you need? How often do newborns need changing?
mrs_tommo22 said:
Trail and error, each baby has individual needs and gets on better with differnt brands. I use pampers and tesco nappies, but getpampers when there on offer cos of the cost but I like tescos and both my kids ue them without major problems.

I dislike huggies as I feel the fit is poor

I am exactly the same... I hate the huggies as they always leak!!! I love pampers and tesco's own...
Rachel21 said:
I now have a pack of pampers, a pack of tescos own, a pack of boots own and a pack of huggies. This way I can try them all. The boots ones where only 1.50 and the tescos where 1.90something.
How many new born nappies do you need? How often do newborns need changing?

I bought quite a lot of newborn nappies. It seemed I was always changing nappies. It seems like a long time ago but I changed Isabella after each feed or when needed. I used cotton wool and water for about 6 weeks instead of wipes.
I've used both Pampers & Huggies - I thought Huggies were better to start with but now I'm back on Pampers. It is just trial & error to discover what you prefer
For me I preffered Huggies for my son, but Pampers for my Daughter.
-Its rather an individual choice though - I know my sister loved Aldi nappies, and they are really cheap.

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