Where's the Sky Christmas music? :O(


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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You know, when you look through sky listings, usually at Christmas that have a Christmassy sounding one with bells and stuff..

I'm not happy :shakehead:
there's one on music choice, but it's a bit :? it's not as good as the usual christmas channel.
i said the exact same thing to my OH this morning. i thought it would have been on already................. right who do we ring to complain :think: :think:
I used to love the spanish style music on the listings. and there was one that was quite trance / dance like. Loved it!

Not heard the christmas music though :think:
i dont ever remember having xmas music on our sky :cry:
I don't even have Sky! Mum & Dad does though.

We have Virgin media :wink:
leckershell said:
there's one on music choice, but it's a bit :? it's not as good as the usual Christmas channel.

No I don't mean a channel I mean while you are looking through the listings deciding what to watch, the music is Christmas music.
I even remember how it goes and everything,... I miss it. :(

I do love the Music Choice Xmas channel though, I do all my wrapping to it :D
Yeah i know what u mean its kinda in the background when you look through the TV Guide aint it?

Think we should all bombard Sky with complains hahaha!! :D
Urchin said:
leckershell said:
there's one on music choice, but it's a bit :? it's not as good as the usual Christmas channel.

No I don't mean a channel I mean while you are looking through the listings deciding what to watch, the music is Christmas music.
I even remember how it goes and everything,... I miss it. :(

I do love the Music Choice Xmas channel though, I do all my wrapping to it :D

I miss having Kerrang :(
We had it on the other day Urchin, there has been loads on that I've seen.

We put it on to put up the tree and got all festive!
Oh that's so funny! I'd forgotten about that!
Yes, where is it???? I LOVE their Christmas music.

They have so called Christmas music on today but they've changed it!!!

:evil: :evil: :evil:
Urchin said:
leckershell said:
there's one on music choice, but it's a bit :? it's not as good as the usual Christmas channel.

No I don't mean a channel I mean while you are looking through the listings deciding what to watch, the music is Christmas music.
I even remember how it goes and everything,... I miss it. :(

Ah I know what you mean now, the usual standard one does my nut. Yeah bring back the christmas one! :D
I heard the Christmas music this morning too then I went back on and it had gone?!
hmmm mine is playing we wish you a merry christmas dont like it though its crap :( xxxxxxx

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