Question for all mums who went into labour naturally


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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I was just wondering...

Were there any signs that you were going to go into labour.
Such as heavy braxon hicks the night before, or your waters braking??

Did you go to bed fine with no pains and then wake up during the night with contractions??

Did baby stop moving about alot??

Were there any signs before you went into labour??

Sorry so many questions

Nope, I went to bed and woke during the night with peculiar pains.
I went to bed, had a crappy nights sleep - up every hour (rather than every 2!!) but I blamed the heat. First contraction at 4am, Katy arrived at 8.10am!! :shock:
I slept really badly, woke up in labour but wouldnt believe it lol. I was akready going to the hospital for a NST because Thea was late so she was being monitored everyday. My contractions were four minutes apart when they put the machine on me lol.

I did notice that Thea didnt move much the day before.
my sister said she had a lot of bowel movements the day before...

bit minging, but you did ask ;)
I was quite uncomfortable all day, and kept having braxton hicks some of them were quite sharp pains, then in the evening when i was having a bath i noticed that my tummy kept going hard, this was at 8pm around 11-12 they were every 20 mins and just a dull ache, but by 1 they were regular and painful, so i have to get hubby to put Tens on.
I then had a show and also had Diarhoea :oops:
I was very lethargic and restless all morning. I couldn't be bothered to do anything and had to really force myself. I tried laying down for my nap just after lunch (as normal) but felt restless and uncomfotable so I went to Tesco for the stuff I needed and that when the contractions started.
Braydon used to be lively at nite but slowed down - still moved but not as much- the nite before i had him went to bed and woke up havin contractions
I had 2 strong braxton hicks pains the night before, and needed to poo alot...thats the only signs I had...

waters went the next morning.
Just been reading all your posts... thanks for the replies. :hug:

I had a few Braxton Hicks that woke me up last night but nothing taht stayed. Looks like its true what they say, that baby will come when its ready and you'll never know when that is until it happens.

Looks like im just going to have to sit tight and hope this little sod in here doesnt have to be induced aswell hehe :D
I had no signs at all with Kayleigh. I was due to go in to be induced at 8am on the Monday (19 days overdue! :shock: ) so thought nothing would happen before then. I was shocked to wake up at 3.45am Sunday morning with contractions 3 minutes apart! The little bugger still didn't arrive until 5.15am Monday morning though! :roll:
I had period type pains for a couple of days before real labour kicked in, i also had ashow just before my first big contraction. Up until then i had felt pretty normal.
My waters started leaking then about 48 hours later i started having pains.
i had a show the day before my due date, and bits of it kept coming away, but nothing else happened (the sweep 2 days later did nothing either) and eventually at 40+5 in the afternoon (in the cinema no less!) i started getting period type pains quite regularly which eventually i realised were the start of contractions!! finlay was born 36 hours after that!

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