Where were you?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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..You read/hear all these stories about women getting caught out & going into labour on buses, in shops etc, so i was wondering about all our birth stories :D

Where were you? What were you doing at the time when labour began? and was it a case of your waters going first or the contractions taking you by surprise? :D
Forgot to add mine..

Nothing too exciting really, I was watching Corrie at home when my waters suddenly went. Was like an everlasting waterfall that i thought might never stop!
I was induced and had my waters broken, so i was in the delivery room at the hospital lol.
It was two o'clock in the morning and I decided it was time for another trip to the loo. Sat on the loo and water started gushing out sat there for a bit trying to decide what was happening, I was two weeks early and had convinced myself I was going to be late so was in denial. Shouted to OH to wake up, then I think shock set in and fainted. Once I got over that I was so excited I sat on the bed and started phoning people to tell them. My cousin was in the que at Tescos when her waters went, she left her trolly and run out of the shop. It was only later she realised that maybe she should have told them as there are rumers that you are given free things if you start in a shop.
my waters went while playijng mario cart, must have been the thrill :lol:
I was induced with Lu but sent home as nothing was happening, an hour later after a bath my waters went when I was in the kitchen getting something to eat. With Calum my contractions started at home just after my shower, waters didn't go till that evening by which time I was having strong contractions!
The niggling pains started on monday till tues night- i was in bed just got over a chest infection! Then the contractions started to get regular on tues night, didnt get reaaallly bad untill thurs at about 6 pm so i went to hospital. My waters broke in the pool i think i was about 7 cm gone but thats geussing as i was hardly examined! i didnt feel them go just remember midwife saying something like membrames ruptured, she was born at 8.34 am on fri morn after hours of resisting to push, with 3/4 pushes she was out!
My SIL sister had a bath and gave birth in it. :D
The first time I was on my bed when my waters went. Just started leaking so stood up pretty quick to make sure it didn't go on my mattress :lol: Contractions started few hours later in hospital.

Second time I woke up in the morning with stomach pains. Didn't relise they were contractions at first though until they got worse and I relised they were coming every 5 mins or so.
i was on my way home from the chip shop when my waters first started leaking then about an hour later they gushed out in the bath room.
I was in bed. I got up for one of my many loo trips at 4am. Got back in bed and started to doze as my first contraction kicked in. 3 hours later my waters broke in hospital and exactly 30 minutes after she was born.
in bed at 5am went to the loo never went back to bed been up ever since ha ha
I had my first contraction on hubbys quadbike :lol: They didnt start properly until the next day though when I was at a meal for my friends birthday. My waters went in the hospital though :wink:
After being in slow labour for 5 days my waters broke at around 1am whilst sitting on the sofa watching The Royle Family! I was really restless that night and just didn't want to go to bed and I didn't know why, I do now though!! Then the really excruciating contractions started, were coming every minute and Amber arrived 8 hours and 7 minutes later!
i was at home, up at 3am watching star trek (the original captain kirk ones :cheer: altho i dont remember which episode!

i wasnt actually technically in labour, the MWs came examined me and said i was having "effacing pains", but they turned into proper conractions within 24 hours so i remember that as the starting point.

i presume my waters went either in the shower or in the birth pool because i never noticed them breaking, 'twas a mystery!
I was going round tesco's when my labour started. I called hubby to come home from the queue. He heard an announcement and said where are you? He couldn't believe it. I finished buying the stuff, drove home then asked a neighbour to come round and stay with me till Hubby got back (he was working 1.5hrs drive away)

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