where have you breastfed in public?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Just out of interest really, where have you breastfed in public? Bus, park, cafe etc.. somewhere completely random..?

I just feel a bit :? about it, as much as I'd like to do it I don't think I have the guts. I've taken ready made formula when we've been out.
God where haven't I!!

The first time I breastfed in public Ella was about 7 weeks if I remember correctly :think: That was in a Debenhams cafe and I was so scared someone would see! I've forgotten what it felt like to be worried someone might say something or a bit embarassed, now if my baby is hungry out it comes, it's not my problem if someone doesn't like it - they don't have to look. And anyway if I'm wearing a t-shirt then Alex covers my body and his face covers my boob, so they can't see jack poop. Plus no hassle of carrying sterile bottles, formula and warming the milk us.

Since then I've been breastfeeding anywhere - walking around tesco, library, cemetary, cafes, doctors surgery, toddler groups & soft play places, swimming pools, on the beach, stood in queues for rides at Disney World, on rides at Disney, on a bus, on a plane, in a pub, at a couple of local football matches, in Boots. Basically anywhere my baby needs feeding I'll do it :)
i did it in asda car park when millie was a week or two old, while my boyf was in the store! no1 could really see tho as i was in the back seat and had a lil cloth over my shoulder.
i did it in a courtyard at my boyfs stepmoms wedding when millie was 5 weeks old. no1 was there tho.
i did it in the changing rooms at swim tots a couple of weeks ago, it was her first time swimming and she was crying so it wsa a comfort thing.
trixipaws said:
i did it in asda car park when millie was a week or two old


After that I first fed my daughter in public at 4 weeks old in an Italian cafe while meeting a friend. The waiters were rude and I noticed people looking but I just ignored them - the fact that we'd had quite a negative experience made me more determined to feed in public more often (contrary and stubborn nature).

Now I feed her at baby massage class, Babies & Toddlers (mostly other mums so all mostly women, not so daunting), friends houses in front of them and their boyfriends, cafes etc - doesn't bother me. She is a good feeder though and rarely now latches off once the milk isn't coming out too fast for her and she's settled into the feed. I always try and wear a shirt or something though when I'm out as I hate it when my tummy is on show (breast doesn't really bother me, but being side on and my tummy on show really bothers me).

Go for it leckershell!

Valentine xxx
With Alex I've done it in the car a few times, and in Nandos.

With Lydia I did in in Nandos, on trains, on a bench in town, in the cinema, in a chinese restaurant, in my mam's car, in a cafe, and in a park
At first it was mainly in cafes but I breastfeed anywhere Seren needed it, supermarkets (she was in her sling and I just walked round feeding her), public transport, in the park, at the pub, at a farm, in Ikea (whilst eating the yummy hotdogs mmmm), at play centres, during my breastfeeding classes, anywhere. Breastfeeding mums tend to be very discreet, a friend of mne didn't realise I was feeding till he was leaing right over saying hello to Seren, he went bright red when he realised :rotfl:

The first time was nerve racking but after that it was fine.
do you all use the tops with drop down cups or do you just wear your normal clothes and lift them up/pull them down? i see lots of pictures of it being done subtly but i just can't see me managing it. i don't know why i'm so paranoid about it, i just am :(
i wear nursing bras that clip down cups; i dont wear special tops but i do select clothing with low necklines or straps that i can easily pull down and pop one breast out. it took awhile but i can do it discreetly now. i feel i get more stares from a hungry crying baby than a nursing one!
I breastfed in the park, and in cafe's or restaurants. I used breastfeeding tops, either with slits at the side, or with an opening that had an underlayer that had a slit. Other than that I just wore tops with a low neckline that I could pull down.....it was warmer weather for me though I found vests a big help :D
In this weather my choice was always vest tops under cardis, that way I could pull my vest up but my tummy would still be covered by my cardi. I never wore any breastfeedng tops
I just wear normal t-shirts and pull them up.
so far i've done it in a

internet cafe
outside tescos lol
mmmmmmmmm think that it for now :D
My sil wears normal t shirts and you wouldnt noitce lydia nursing, it looks like a cuddle.
Why not try a sling michelle if your insecre about it?
leckershell said:
Just out of interest really, where have you breastfed in public? Bus, park, cafe etc.. somewhere completely random..?

I just feel a bit :? about it, as much as I'd like to do it I don't think I have the guts. I've taken ready made formula when we've been out.

i have fed every where. beach, car parks, side roads :lol: , parks, restaurants, a bench in the middle of town, chemists,
I haven't just wapped my boob out and fed though. Ive always been discreet.

leckershell. if you ever are in need of a place to feed and you want privacy it is good to ask the nearest chemist. They are obliged to offer you a room to feed in.
I had everyone believe I was one of these vegetarian "earth mothers" because I had no issues about feeding in public... As it was, most people didn't even know I was breast feeding, and I never drew attention to myself.... Now I can spot a breastfeeding mother a mile away, but unless you've done it yourself you are none the wiser...
I thought I would struggle with bf in public but I do it anywhere - I don't even think about it now. When I've been shopping I usually go to designated areas - the ones I've been to so far have all been really nice. I bf in front of my family & friends, and have bf in a pub when I was out for a meal. I bought a few tops that button open to let me boob out but I prefer to just lift my tops up - my tops are usually a bit loose so I can kind of hang it back down to cover up my belly.
I was also a bit nervous about breast feeding in public..... but ive managed it a few times now and noone has seemed to notice. If i feel uncomfortable for any reason i just feed him in the car instead. but ive fed him in restaurants, on the beach, and on the street..... so i think im getting used to it now! and if someone doesnt like it, that their problem! I think breast feeding is a wonderful thing....
Anywhere and everywhere!!! Sometimes I wear a nursing bra and a shirt, sometimes I wear a normal bra and a tshirt - I dont really care.

Just dont worry about it, sweetie, just enjoy your baby and to hell with the rest of the world and their opinions! :hug:

Ok.... I breastfed in a waiting room at new street station yesterday :D

It's not much, but surely a start..? :)
leckershell said:
Ok.... I breastfed in a waiting room at new street station yesterday :D

It's not much, but surely a start..? :)

New St is oneof the busiest places - yay for you!!!!

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