where have you breastfed in public?

it was a quiet platform although a big virgin train full of people pulled in and it was like :shock: but i did it again in the baby changing room and looked at us in the mirror and it's not actually that obvious that it isnt a hug..
Well done leckershell

I'm also a bit nervous about breastfeeding in public

So far i've only feed Lola in front of my family (my little brother wasn't impressed he's 17 and I think he was a bit :oops: )

I did it once while my best friend was visiting, In baby changing rooms and the back of the car in asda car park with a blanket over my shoulder so no-one could see.

I think about doing it when she cries for a feed if we're out but always end up going to a baby changing room
Hmmm...so far
On the Stenaline
In numerous coffee shops restaurants pubs etc.
On gates and rocks (when we're out on a walk)
On the bus
In taxis
In various shops (inc Ann Summers,don't ask lol)

I'll feed anywhere really,I'm quite happy about whipping them out,the only person who minds is my mum,as she thinks pervy old men are going to stare at her little girl lmao :lol: :lol: And if anyone has a problem,well that's just it,their problem (I had a little incident today actually,I was having lunch in a coffee shop,was feeding Willow and got called "disgusting" and "shameless" by some old women)

I cant think of anywhere i have not BF with Kiara i was much more shy with it but this time i really dont care what people think!! i always walk around feeding Kadyn while shopping and no one even realizes they trya nd lift up the blanket and im like umm im feeding baby :lol:
I use BF tops this time i didnt with Kiara but i find it sooo much easier and more discreet while walking around.

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