Where does LO nap in the day?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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LO used to nap in his swing but has gone off it lately. I thought I was meant to put him in his cot during the day but the HV told me not to incase it makes life hard putting him down at night. So now he is napping in his car seat but I don't feel happy about it.

Where does Ur LO's nap in the daytime? Any thoughts? He's 3 months old xx
I usually put Angel in her Graco swing but she's getting too big for it like when she's lying in it (her feet dangle off the edge) and when she wakes she wiggles down in it and has nearly fallen out so many times so I've started (this week) putting her in her cot for naptimes. She sleeps through the night in her cot absolutely fine but I've had a nightmare putting her in the crib, she just doesn't like it during the day and its taken me 20-40 mins just to get her off to sleep but she's done loads better with it today. She had 3-4 naps a day in her crib this week and is still sleeping through in there at night. I did worry in case she got confused thinking it was bedtime rather than naptime but I've got a bath, bottle, bed routine at night so it doesn't cause any confusion. For some reason she won't fall asleep in her car seat anymore lol. xx.
Uch, im having issues with where to put LO, my circumstances a bit diff tho, coz I cant lay Kayden down flat at all. He cant go in his car seat or bouncer (at any times) due to his reflux. So im at a loss at where he can go...at any time, let alone nap times. I've been puttin him in his buggy for naps & cot for night.

I was also told with my 1st never to put her for naps in same place as night, and I never done so. She done amazing sleeping thro & nap times (she slept day naps in rocking chair, til she got to about 6months then she took daytime naps in big cot). So I wanted to do this with Kayden & I was until all this reflux carry on, I cant keep putting him in the buggy coz theres too much movement in all the rooms with eldest LO. I have no where quiet to put buggy so have been putting him in his night time cot & he's not liked it one bit. He's also been a bit funnier at night which must be because he's confused. I'll need to set a plan & stick to it.

really? i didn't know that? my lo loves her sleep so could sleep anywhere tbh but i put her in her cot so i can switch the monitor on and have a cup of tea and get on with things!
I had no idea that I cannot LO to nap in its swing or car seat. I was planning on getting a Moses basket for downstairs I am glad that I don't need to .
Jus a question I thought tht babies are not suppose to stay in their swing, car seat for more than a couple of h per day? Is that true ?
Yes that's true which is why I'm trying to avoid it. Will's naps never last more than an hour nowadays :roll: xx
Yeah they cant be in the slouched position for too long, car seats/bouncers ect, obviously once in a blue moon in longer wouldn't hurt, same goes for long car journeys.

Its tempting to use them tho isn't it

My LO goes in her moses basket in her nursery with monitors on etc. Ive never heard that they are not supposed to nap in the same place as they do at night, why is that?? X
Because they can get day time naps & night time naps confused.

For example if ur LO sleeps in moses basket for naps then you use moses basket at night, LO will more likely continue the pattern of naps rather than sleeping for longer But if you only use cot for nights they learn that they are there to sleep thro rather than a short nap

Surely once they understand the difference between day and night that shouldn't matter. Tyler sleeps on me in his bouncer or swing ATM! Drives me mad but he just won't go down in his cot!!

He only sleeps for 20-45 mins max ATM!
Once they get a bit older it doesn't matter my eldest was able to take naps in night-time cot by 6/7 m/o

Grace has naps in her cot with no problems and has done for a couple of months now
Poppy naps on her activity mat on the floor. It's padded so it's not like she's sleeping on a hard floor. Plus she can stretch out as much as she likes.
Ahhh right never even thougth about that she seems to have day and night pretty sorted Ive never thought about puuting her to her nap elsewhere unless we are out and shes in her car seat or pram. She is a litle strange and dosent seem to like being allowed to stretch out, much prefers to be swaddled up thats why sleeping bags are out at the moment! LOL XX
I thought that she'd get confused and continue napping in her cot at nighttime but obviously if you have a routine just for bed (ie bath bottle bed) you wouldn't do that for a nap so there should'nt be any confusion. I've put Angel in her cot for naps all week now and she still sleeps through the night in her cot at bedtime. xx.
When Sebastian was tiny he'd nap either on us or in his Moses basket or in his pram laid flat. I wouldn't feel comfortable letting LO nap in his car seat tbh.
Now he's started going in his cot as its not confusing for him now he understands cot=sleep. It's a new thing for us though as I used to nap with him in my bed :D
Since she was 6 months she has her naps in her cot. Before that it was anywhere I could get her to sleep! Usually pram or bouncer. The bouncer lay flat though so I wasn't worried. Even now at 19 months I'll put her in her pram in the kitchen with the washing machine on to get her to sleep sometimes lol.
Jax naps in his cot in the day and sleeps well at night in the same cot (slept 6.40pm till 5.25am last night :D). He doesn't have day and night mixed up at all. He has been in his cot for naps and at night since he was 10 weeks old.

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
I dont feel right putting Sophie in her crib during the day so she goes on her play mat with a comfy furry blanket thing

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