Where are you keeping your pram?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2007
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My mum is buying us the travel system & said she will have to keep it at hers as its bad luck for us to have it at our house. :roll:

What are you lot doing? I would really like to have it at our house so I can show everyone & push it around the living room :oops:

Do you think this superstition is aload of crap or not?
Not superstitious!
Our pram was up in baby's room since we bought it when I was about 20 weeks pregnant. Now, because we're trying to get the room into some order, we've got it folded up in the corner of the lounge along with baby's bouncer.
upstairs in the cupboard..dont believe in all that bollox
We kept Madisons at Steve's moms but that was purely down to lack of space, now it lives in the boot of my car as we have no room to put it anywhere - can't wait till we move in Feb :)
Think that we're going to put the car seat in the boot soon as it's taking up precious room in the baby's room at the moment.
I have mine up in the baby's room. Has been there for yonks. :)
I believe it's bad luck to name a baby before it's born.. Nicknames are ok... and its ok to have a name picked out but actually calling it by a name, makes me very nervous.

As for keeping the pushchair in the house :think: Dunno... I heard it was bad luck to buy ANYTHING for the baby before it's born and keep it in your house... My mum never brought a single thing, and had to leave me at the hospital nursery while she ran out and got me clothes, a cot etc... but apparently loads of girls had been born and there weren't many girly things so I had everything in blue :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm not superstitious either! The pram is in the garage as there's no room in lo's bedroom.

personally I would just be happy enough to have a pram... or a cot or pretty much any furniture for the baby... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
OH's mum said the superstition was to have it up before it was born but ok to keep it in the house as long as it's not set up. It's a load of rubbish anyway but we did it to keep her happy, so kept it in his room but folded up.
All set up and ready to go - currently sitting in the dining room with the car seat :D
i don't believe in all that rubbish. keep it where you want hun, and think positively.
we have ours in the hall way. Still waiting for OH to move it :roll:
well as mine only arrived the other day i was pushing damon and a teddy around in it (teddy was playing the role of new baby.) Damon kept dragging the teddy out of his side though - im just hoping that was because he wanted to play with his teddy! Lol!
I've had mine folded up in my bedroom since I was about 20 weeks hun I wouldn't pay any attention to superstitions xxxxx

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