When/will you try to bring on labour and how?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Just wondering what everyone's plans were for trying to 'bring on' labour naturally?

I am heading to 39 weeks and am thinking I should wait and c what happens in the next week and then if LO doesn't look like he's coming by due date (23rd) start on the old wives tales of trying to get things going? It's my first so am thinking he will be late, but I really don't want to be induced if at all possible!

Has anyone got plans for bringing on labour? xxxx
I know missy will arrive when she feels like but still doesnt stop me trying all the old waves tales, ive been drinking raspberry leaf tea since 32 weeks(doesnt bring on labour but helps once labour is here) ive been bouncing on birthing ball and the pinapple came out yesterday. Adam was 5days over due so im not to convinced that missy will be early, fingers crossed though x x
It's hard to know what to do I think! OH doesn't think I should start trying to move things along until due date......I know LO still benfitting from being tucked up until 40 weeks so I kindof agree with him.......but at the same time being fed up, uncomfortable, worrying about induction etc makes me think I could try a few things sooner?!

I guess whenever LO arrives it will be when he is ready (unless induced) and I'm not gonna know one way or the other if it was anything I did that set labour off or not!
I said this time the only thing i was going to do was drink the raspberry leaf tea because im not convinced anything else really works but thats gone out of the window! Hehe x x
I dont wanna be induced either hun and I've been trying a few things, like M2A I've been taking raspberry leaf tea _ capsules but that doesnt bring it on, it just tones the uterus in preparation. I've eaten pineapple, been cleaning on all fours, I've used clary sage oil in the bath and all those have done nothing!! The only thing which brought on very strong BH was sex. And apparently this is the most affective method. How many times and positions etc I dont know but I thought I was going into labour on Monday (when I was kept in hospital) and that morning me and OH had sex. We did it last night too and again it brought contraction on but they're not regular. When I went into hospital I told the MW I'd had sex that day and she said its the most affective way. I've heard it something to do with semen containing something they use to induce you? I've heard its the orgasms that bring it on lol so I'm not really sure. But yeah I think the bottom line is they'll come when they're ready sadly xx
I've heard sex is the best way too, and yeh the semen has the same hormone in that sets off labour, but again, not sure how much u need to do it!

Feel bad at the thought of 'forcing LO out' lol! Feel a bit selfish......is that silly?
I'm a firm believer that you can't 'induce' labour anyway unless your body is ready. I have been drinking RLT and taking tablets for a few weeks now. DH and I are still dtd every 2/3 days and I've been eating pineapple for about a week now.
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I've not been doing anything yet! I'd rather he/she stays in there til closer to due date so they are big & healthy. I'm desperate to meet him/her but i've happy to have them snuggled up inside me for a wee while longer.

I'm gonna do what you said mum2b410 - and wait untill due date before trying to speed things up. But my MW has booked me for a sweep 2 days before due date, so I may try & start things the day after the sweep.

I'll probs bounce on the ball, all the usual things like that - oh and hopefully lots of sex coz wee 1 will be staying at her grans & we wont be doing much after baby is born!

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I did originally like the idea of LO coming early but with us being definitely nowhere near ready for her arrival then Im thinking it might be a blessing if she's a couple of days late or so! I really do not like the idea of being induced though at all.
I've just eaten a whole packet of Waitrose pineapple in the vain hope that things might get moving over the weekend!! LOL.
I dont believe anything works but sex! curry and stuff irritate the bowels (which is why castor oil works.. gives u intense shites!) therefore causing contractions.. orgasms cause contractions too... but its usually by the off chance theyll continue.. semen has the right stuff to make your cervix do what its supposed to do... like the gels do to induce u..
bouncing on the balls i assume is to get baby to engage easier and quicker therefore push its way down enough to get things going that way..

a man must have come up with the scrubbing on all fours! any kind of exercise can kick off a bh session.. just getting off the sofa does it for me :lol:

the only one i think would work is sex (as deep as possible ejaculation to get it direct on cervix).. coz ive been advised not to have it at all in case it brings my labour on..
I've also heard that stimulating you nipples can help. For those of you eating pineapple though, the only way that will work is to eat 8 whole pineapples in one sitting :shock: - that's how much of whatever is in pineapple that brings on labour you need!
My due date is tomorrow and I have been drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea, fresh pressed pineapple juice and had the hottest currys I can find. Been getting a lot of BH but no sign of proper labour yet. I might be getting a sweep tomorrow, but I'm so nervous about it :s I know giving birth will be more sore obviously but i'm very nervous about getting a sweep..
Yeah I read nipple stimulation is meant to work - bring on the old breast pump! lol. Also if you have a google and read Kelly Hook's post evening primrose capsules are said to help 'ripen' your cervix either inserted directly into the vagina (overnight whilst wearing a pad) or swallowed. Semen contains proglastin so after you've dtd try and keep it in around your cervix - legs in the air if poss similar to ttc! lol, I'm gonna try all the above but not until nearer dee day! :eek:)
Thanks for all your suggestions/opinions ladies!

I guess I'm not a particularly patient person but just need to try and stay calm and trust that my body will let LO out when it is the right time............easier said than done!

(PS I bought pineapple today- lol!)
My due date is tomorrow and I have been drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea, fresh pressed pineapple juice and had the hottest currys I can find. Been getting a lot of BH but no sign of proper labour yet. I might be getting a sweep tomorrow, but I'm so nervous about it :s I know giving birth will be more sore obviously but i'm very nervous about getting a sweep..

I've got a sweep booked for 4 days time (2 days before due date) & im really nervous. I'm not so much nervous about the actual birth anymore (got over that bit!) i'm more nervous about when will it happen & upsetting my wee girl with the birth & shipping her off ect (she's already starting to get nervous about it)
Aww bless her she will be fine... Just get her proper hyped up to be a big sister! When Ellie was born I bought her a me to you necklace and bracelet from Ellie and she loved it :) didn't complain about anything and was so helpful she was like the dad lol!! She was so involved in my pregnancy, singing to bump every morning etc :) made her feel a big part of it all :)
Yeh, that sounds like a really nice idea for her......make it exciting to try and take her nerves away? xx
I really don't want to be induced, so I think I might start encouraging little one to come out soon. Nothing extreme though - just some extra sexy time, maybe some pineapple or curry... And walking lots!

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