when will my bump be proper lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Ah getting fed up of just looking fat, my clothes r too tight but mat clothes r a bit too big atm and when I tell ppl they act so surprised saying they couldn't tell. Seemed surprised by that cos I am 14 weeks! Argh!
It is kinda annoying!!! Lol I know it is still early and bubs is still small hence lack of bump but I am impatient and want to be able to wear something that doesn't look ridiculous!
Oh ul get there don't worry! I'm currently a beached whale that no clothes fit lol!!

I know how you feel! Even this week I was talking to a gym instructor and he looked shocked when I told him I was pregnant then started waffling on about tri 1 until I told him I was 23 weeks and he looked even more shocked! I hate people just thinking I look fat as I work hard at the gym every day to not be fat! Did you see the pics I put up yesterday? It's only the last 2 weeks that I look pregnant and just started wearing maternity clothes (some of the time!) last week!
No one thought I had a bump for quite some time - I just looked a little fatter (I started as a size 6/8). People now actually know I'm pregnant without asking me (this started a few weeks ago) and I am just expanding every day!!
I'd say it probably differs for everyone - I was very bloated in the 1st tri so I started looking fat early on but now its just baby!
He he but u have such a gorgeous figure lol I am a flabby mess! He he
You don't look flabby at all! Guess we'll all be moaning about being too big and having stretch marks in a few weeks! I keep focusing on afterwards as last time I piled on 4 stone of fat and it was hard work to shift and get my tummy back, it would be nice to get my figure back quicker this time minus the 4 stone of blubber!
Youll get there.. thats a big downfall in pregnancy.. buying so many diff sized clothes.. i just bought a bunch of lovely clothes off ebay :) makes you feel better inside as well as outside :)

its horrible when people think ur just fat, knocks ur confidence..

Cant say when youll get ur bump as everyone is different.. but i assure you it wont be too long :hug:
He he I do have a little bump but not noticeable undermy clothes and go go around naked
i know its easy to say but id enjoy it. i would imagine u will only get a bump and not put on weight anywhere else.......oh how i wish that would happen to me! my thighs and hips are rapidly expanding :(

My ass, thighs,arms and face have all blown up.. as they do :roll:

makes me look even more 'fat' than preg.. but glad im getting my bump now as ppl know im preg.. just lol
Im a big girl anyway n just look fatter rather than pregnant! Cant wait til I get a bump! :-D
It's all gone on my bum and thighs and arms bar my little morning bump :roll:
I still dont look preganant !!! lost bout 2 stone before hand so smallest ive been getting pregnant !! still curvy !!! only got a little bump that is only noticeable when i point it out !! looked pregnant from earlier on with my other 2 xxx
I'm also one of those round all over people. Bum, thighs, hips, arms, belly... I've always envied those women who get just a baby belly, but stay nice and slim everywhere else. Just not me, tough, it seems...
Think my bum is getting bigger to balance the little bump which don't help!
I'm also one of those round all over people. Bum, thighs, hips, arms, belly... I've always envied those women who get just a baby belly, but stay nice and slim everywhere else. Just not me, tough, it seems...

Im so envious of skinny 'all bump' girls :(
i am thinking i will be like the back end of a bus by 40 weeks..ha ha

sarah, are you managing to still keep up the gym? i have still been doing bike and walking on treadmill simce i found out, nothing too strenuous....hoping it helps to keep some fat off..

i am thinking i will be like the back end of a bus by 40 weeks..ha ha

sarah, are you managing to still keep up the gym? i have still been doing bike and walking on treadmill simce i found out, nothing too strenuous....hoping it helps to keep some fat off..


Yeah still go nearly every day just keep my heart rate lower so I don't overheat and changed the weights lower weight and high reps. It's a bit boring though, I like the buzz afterwards, can't get that pregnant! still ride my bike but not sure if I should for much longer!
yeah i try to make sure i can still talk throughout and so then i know i am not pushing myself too hard. just been doing 30 mins on bike just at a comfortable pace and 30 mins fast walking on treadmill...

3 or 4 times a week...should be doing me some good huh? xx

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