still not much bump


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Well I'm just about 18 weeks now and my bump is still tiny. I'm wearing maternity jeans but because they are so comfy rather than really needing too. I visited family at Christmas and everyone commented on my lack of bumpage. I can see a little tiny bump and so can DH but with my clothes on you can't see it at all. I am now a bit worried that it should be bigger :(
lol my bump started coming out at 18 weeks, mabe you will be luckky and get a nice small bump that is so neat :D
Aw I was the same. It's only the past couple of weeks the I seem to have "bumped out" :) Though to anyone who doesn't know I'm pregnant I just look like I've put a bit of weight on :D

I haven't worried though, my aunt tells me both she didn't really start to show till she was five months. Plus my mam was six months pregnant when she got married and no one could tell ;)
Oh hun dont worry - my bump isnt actually all that big even now.........ok you can tell Im pregnant, but had a much smaller bump than everyone else at my antenatal classes (and Im 5 foot 11, and medium build so expected a much bigger bump).

Bump size means nothing though.........I was talking to my MW who told me the number of tiny bumps she sees, that end up becoming 9lb+ babies is not uncommon at all - so bump size is definitely not an indication of the size of the baby!
me too! Mine is tiny and it just looks like I have eaten a big meal. No one would guess I am preg. I want a bump!
Thanks girls. Maybe i should be grateful that i can still see my feet :) My mum said that she was huge by this point with both me and my brother.
I'm the same - i'm 20 weeks today and have no bump and this is number 2 :(

with number 1 I remember going for my 20 week scan and having a massive bump - but nope, i'm still in the same jeans i was when i found out i was pregnant and can suck in my tummy so its more or less flat :(

its strange, but its hard to 'feel' pregnant without the bump!!
Somedays I look like I have more bumpage than others, as odd as that sounds :think:

One day I just look like a flabby blob then the next day I think 'Oh maybe I do look pregnant!'

Must be the clothes I wear!! :lol:
I feel the same, some days I look really pregnant, other days I just look chubby, but there's no definite bump there! Some days my belly feels rock hard, other days it's like a bowl full of jelly!
im still small, i look pregnant with just a jumper on but not when i put my coat on. I was really small with my daughter until the last few weeks when i bloomed but still not to a huge size and she weighed a healthy 71b 7 oz. So not to worry it will bloom soon :D

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