When will AF return?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2013
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Hi ladies :)
Not really sure what I'm asking, so sorry if this turns into a bit of a confused waffle!

I had medical management of mmc on 21st feb, I had very heavy bleeding and passed large clots for around a week before it all finally settled down, but continued to bleed for 4-5 weeks. I didn't get a negative test until around 5.5 weeks. I had a few days very light pink spotting at 6ish weeks and again yesterday and this morning at 9 weeks since the medical management.

How soon should I expect my period to return? When I spoke to epas to update them of the negative pregnancy test, they just said to expect it in the next few weeks.
When did your periods return if you don't mind me asking? Could the spotting have been/be a very light period, or something else?

I've also noticed the last week or two that I've had a few early pregnancy symptoms. I don't know if this is my mind/body playing tricks on me, leftover hormones, or if I might genuinely be pregnant again. It's so confusing. I just wish I knew what was going on with my body, it all seems to have been dragging on for ages :-/

Thank you for reading, I hope it makes some sort of sense
Sorry to hear about your mc. You could be pregnant again, only way to know is to test. My period didn't return after our mc, I had to get a bleed induced as we were waiting to book tests and the hospital didn't want me to wait any longer. After the induced bleed my cycles have been all over the place, really hoping they settle down soon as it is 10 months since mc now.
Thanks for your reply :)
Gosh 10 months is such a long time, I hope things settle down for you soon.
I did a test last thurs/fri (can't remember when, all the days roll in to one with my little one!) and it was negative, I was going try and wait a week or so before doing another. Sorry if tmi, but I've had a bit more pinky discharge today when I wipe, I've put a pad on just incase but there's nothing on it.
At first I thought period, but it doesn't seem anywhere near enough, unless this first one is just very different from usual? I don't know :-/
It took about 10 weeks for me to get a bleed again. Which lasted 2 days and very light...but 4 weeks later omg...i had the period from hell. Nothing was stopping that flow, and laated 7 days.
Even though i was getting a neg hpt, my hcg level didn't return to 0 until 13 weeks after my surgery. I got it tested weekly at my instance. I was told i wouldn't ovulate until it had returned to normal.

Sorry for your loss. 5 months aafter mine and the pain is still unbearable at times. My due date will be in 4 weeks. And im dreading it coming around x
I had medical management for my mmc on 1st Feb, I had what seemed like a normal af 4 weeks later which was normal flow and length, but the next af took 6 weeks to arrive with a few days of very light spotting halfway through, I had convinced myself it was implantation spotting and was ss like mad, I am now on my next 2ww :)
I hope everything settles for you quickly and you get a lovely bfp soon x
the body is really cruel after a mc. I also got pregnancy symptoms after my mc - my boobs were so sore. I've had several mc and have always seemed to get my period between 4-5 weeks after the mc.
But everyone is different with a mc and something I have come to accept is that there really are no rules post mc.
Thank you for all your replies, sorry for your losses :-(
typically ad returned the morning after I posted. I don't think I've ever been so glad to see it! Finally feel like things are getting back to normal now, we can start thinking about trying again in a few months :)
Any news on your 2ww Drc?

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