When will AF arrive after MC?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
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Hi Ladies,
I had a natural MC 4 and a half weeks ago,I was 7wks gone. Just wondering if anyone has an idea when my AF should arrive? Hubby and I tried straight away but have had a million negative HPT results.
Everyone's different and there no way to tell unfortunately, unless you track ovulation with opk's and this would give you an idea. Sorry for your loss x
I'm day 22 and just getting faint lines on opk so ovulation a on his way. Got to avoid it tho :/ sorry for your loss xxx
Mine took 9 weeks from the day of my Erpc I was 10 weeks baba stopped at around 8 weeks , it's horrible beeing in limbo land just waiting:-( x
Thanks Ladies. I didn't have a D+C and generally speaking have light perods+only bled for 5 days or so after MC so really thought it would be here by now I'm 33days past MC,16/18DPO and although we started trying as soon as MC bleeding stopped the gallizon HPT -ve results repeated tell me we were successfull this month :-( Is there any chance in hell I tested too early? I would sooo love to be pregnant xxx
Its very hard to know after a miscarriage as things don't always go back to normal straight away. With each of my miscarriages I have started AF within 28 days of the day of the actual loss but it varies for every woman. I don't know when I ovulated with first two or if I even did, I tried to track ovulation this time and if your preg tests were still showing positive then it could have given a false pos opk, I tested when pregnancy test was still positive and I got a very positive opk so I am not sure when it actually happened. I would just test every few days or every week. Sorry you are going through this, being in limbo is horrible xx
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Thanks so much Lisey. I didnt use any OPKs but used the first date of bleeding to calculate ovulation,using various internet websites. Will just hav to wait and see. Feel like AF not too far away but God knows!! Thanks x

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