When to wean

hey, i just wanted to ask how do u kow ur lo is ready to be weaned?
im a first time mum who breastfeeds, and not sure how to tell when she will be ready?!?!
Liv is bottle fed but she wanted milk allllll the time and putting her hands and toys in her mouth all the time. X

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She also wouldn't sleep very well x

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Liv is bottle fed but she wanted milk allllll the time and putting her hands and toys in her mouth all the time. X

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Amelia does this all the time as well, she's having 8oz every 4 hours sometimes less and still doesn't seem satisfied after. Don't know what to do :mad:
Just do what you feels best. X

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Thanks I think I'm going to start her on some baby rice tomorrow :)
I have started to give my lo fruit puree as she upped her milk and as i am breast feeding my breasts are so heavy in the morning i constantly wake up in wet patches even though i tend to change my breast pads in my sleep! She is 14ibs now and i've always weaned mine between 3-4 months and none of them have any intolerances. Everyone has different opinions you just have to look at all the information and do what you think is right for your baby - that goes on throughtout their lives and is why we can spend endless hours sharing ideas!
All babies really are different. I weaned K and J at about 4 months and they took to it really well. L was ready at about 4 months (waking in the night, never satisfied) but would he hell eat. It was only this week that he has accepted puree's. I was taken aback by his unwillingness to eat but it really proves that all kids are different despite raising them the same xx

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