To wean or not to wean?

Similarly, there's loads of reasons your LO could be a fussy eater other than just later weaning!

I'm very fussy and quite reluctant to try foods I don't like the look of, but my LO (BLW) tries anything and is not fussy at all.
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I started weaning a week short of five months because he was so hungry all of the time. I started on banana and have since tried pureed mango, apple, pear, potato, sweet potato, swede, pasrnip, brocolli, courgette, peppers, mushy peas, butternut squash this past week i have given him a little ready brek (just a taste) and lentils oh and mozerella. He loves everything and always wants more. I am also still fully breast feeding. He is having about 4oz of pureed food per day. He had been losing weight and my HV said i was doing the right thing introducing purees. He is a very tall and active baby.

I'm going with my instincts, which I hope are right. I wanted to do BLW, but couldnt wait.
A friend of mine started her dd on baby rice etc around 3 months, the hv told her it was a good had reflux, Charlie's the same with banana cereal he adores it and cries.when I take it away,.gawps at me and oh when eating our dinner, I don't every day though, just a few times a week for a good few weeks get him used to it x

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