When to wean

he isn't overly fussed at the moment he is more interested in his bottle. But im giving him his solids first and then bottle otherwise he wouldn't eat much. I think he's just fussy because he is teething bless him. I gave him paracetemol lastnight before bed and he only woke once! :yay:
Oooh are they really thinking of lowering it to 3 months??

i heard baby rice doesnt help them sleep through the night really?
^ i've heard that so never put it in his bottles as he always managed to sleep through ... until he started teething!

I didn't know they were lowering it but my health visitor but my health visitor really advised me to wean him now as he is a big boy. xx
you put baby rice in bottles? do you need special teats?
i don't know tiny i've never done it, but assume you would need fast flow teats. I think they advise to give it by spoon cos in a bottle it could possibly be a choking hazard. But lots of my friends have and never had a problem xx
I had family put rice in babes bottles and they all swear by it!
My health visitors are changing everything from last time. They suggest missing out the purée stage and advise baby led weaning at 6m. Easy for me to say tho. None of mine have been slightly interested in food til at least then. If they were I'd give them something x
I gave issabelle risk in her milk (in a bowl) from 16 weeks just one spoon a day was enough to top her up till 5 months and zander was 6 months xxx

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help people i'm so confused!!! The hv has advised me to wean Ethan and give him 3meals a day but he is just not interested, he will take a little of homemade pear and apple puree mixed with baby rice and formula but nothing else. I've bought a few things too like fruit pots but he hates them there to sour for me to eat. He is completely off his milk to he only drinks 2-3oz during the day at a time. I know he is definatly teething and this is why but i just feel anxious because he has dropped 1centile. Really don't know what to do? Should i wait until he is feeling abit better to wean him? Xxx
Thats a tough one - you can't go from nothing or little to 3 meals a day! Maybe try two meals and try when you know he is hungry and before bottle which i'm sure you said you are doing anyway, if he gets frustrated maybe give him half a bottle first- maybe if he isn't interested in puree he could try something mixed with his milk like rusk?
If he isn't interested still after a few days maybe you should just wait - follow your instints hun i think hv all have differing opinions. When my eldest was a babe i was told it was fine to wean hime between 3-4 months this time it is 6 - i just go with babes they are all different. Sarah had half a fruit pot today and ate it so quickly then cried for more - i didn't give her more just topped her up with milk, i couldn't imagine leaving it til six months as she is so big and sleeps so long she needs something else - i wouldn't admit it to my hv though lol
yeah thats what i have been doing but he is so grouchy at the moment he doesn't even open his mouth :lol: so i then give him his bottle which he has only been drinking half of anyway and try after but he does the same thing. A couple of weeks ago he was doing good and taking it. Think i'm going to carry on the same and hopefully he will eat when he is feeling better. It's so hard to know what to do for the best. Thank you think i'll try him with rusks and see what happens :D. I think my hv is semi retired so is the old fashioned type iykwim, she said to put baby rice in his bottle when he was 12wks for night feed but i never i rode the growth spurt out. Xx
im planning on 6mnths baby led weaning my dd was 3months as was advised back then n she is fussy eater with loads of allerys so doing it diff this time
we have a family history of food intollerances so im gonna be waiting til 6 months too unless he really wants/needs it. i'll be avoiding wheat/gluten til after 1 year as well, just stick to baby rice and puree meat/veg/fruit.
im going to leave it as late as poss too. x
I thought food intolerances came from avoiding certain foods and not building a tolerance to them? Liv eats anything and everything bless her she's a proper little foody she steals the food off my plate and everything x

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nope i overate dairy as a child and developed an intollerance to it. my mum was told to give me more cos i wasnt growing :roll: she worried so much we had stupid amounts of milk, yoghurts and cheese.
But then isn't that from over eating the dairy and not eating it too young? X

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no idea! but i was advised to avoid gluten and dairy until he's one. my sister has juvenile arthritis triggered by her food intollerances so i really dont want anything like that to happen to him.

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