when should i start..


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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with the almond oil thing on my bits....lol

and the bouncing on my ball....

and the raspberry leaf tea...??

and then finally the evening primrose oil...both orally and internally???

just so i can be organised :D

I've been RLTing since 30 weeks on my ball since the mid 20s but bouncing on it since maybe 30weeks. Will start the EPO this week along with the massaging.

Oiling your bits-any time from 34 weeks-u can use olive oil, EPO oil etc...
In regards to EPO and RTL I have followed this regime previously posted here from another PF trimester lady. I took a capsule of RTL instead of a cup of RTL so have probably had more than this list suggested.
32 wks - 1 cup RLT
33 wks - 2 cups RLT
34 wks - 3 cups RLT, 1 EPO orally
35 wks - 4 cups RLT, 2 EPO orally
36 wks - 5 cups RLT, 1 EPO orally, 1 vaginally
37 wks - 5 cups RLT, 1 EPO orally, 2 vaginally
38 wks + - 5 cups RLT, 2 EPO orally, 2 vaginally
Good luck! Hope it works
Erm, I am going to sound like the biggest dope but what is all of this and what is it for... I think I have massively missed a memo somewhere!
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Erm, I am going to sound like the biggest dope but what is all of this and what is it for... I think I have massively missed a memo somewhere!

Hehe!! Trying to get body prepared naturally for a good labour....
EPO= evening primrose oil
RTL= raspberry tea leaf
Both help "rippen" your uterus and prepare it for labour. EPO is said to help poss start the labour if the body is ready, won't start it I not.
Bouncing on ball good for getting baby more engaged if head down and also get body poss contracting if ready.
All natural remedies and can get them from holland and Barrett or other health food shops or Amazon(that's where I got mine) xx
My mw told me Friday not to have more than 3 cups rlt though and she said olive oil works just as good as almond oil xx
Oh starting the RLT today - thanks for the list have stuck it on my computer desktop as a reminder :)
whats the almond oil for????

massaging into your peranium.....(sp)...the bit between your bits and your bum....lol...you rub it into there and just inside your vagina on the back wall. its supposed to help make it more supple and easier to stretch....hopefully reducing tearing...ouch!! horrible thoughts...probably doesnt work but i am willing to try anything. lol xx
I'm going to try and remember the oil thing tonight. I've been really bad with pelvic floors. I'm hoping I can make up time now :shock: x

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