When do you tell people?


Jan 6, 2010
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Hmm....I have found that I am great at keeping OTHER people's secrets but absolutely rubbish at keeping my own! This is my first pregnancy (I'm 8 wks and 4days) and I always said beforehand that I would wait till 12 weeks just to make sure before I told everyone. I didn't realise I would want to tell everyone, people on buses, kids in my classes, women next door.....lol

I haven't told THAT many people...my best friends, my Mum and Dad, brothers and my immediate boss at work. But I WANT to tell people. Was just wondering what other have done or are doing? Are you bravely keeping quiet or did you tell all? xx
I Think its entirely up to you hun, I told immediate family and my boss and about 3 friends. But i kept it a secret from everyone else till about a week before my 12 week scan.....Its your choice hun

I feel exactly the same! We've bought a 4 bedroom house and everyone keeps saying ooh children next and I want to scream "yes! yes! Im rpegnant already!!!" but I smile politely and say "we'll see"

I want to tell EVERYONE. Im so impatient for week 12, although Im having my scan at 11+4 so I reckon if thats all alright Ill just tell everyone. I want to change my facebook status but the OH doesnt think thats a good idea!!
yeah i always think its best after 12 weeks or the first scan :) Are u both excited?? xx
So excited its ridiculous. I want to tell everyone and I want to buy all the baby stuff NOW! lol. Its going to be a long 209 days!
We told both sets of parents the day we found out - it was the beginning of december and we were going to wait until christmas day but managed to only contain ourselves a few hours before abandoning everything, getting in the car and driving over to tell them haha! We told our best friends and both our sisters the same day, and then told extended family on Boxing Day. I told my Nan over dinner on Christmas Day, we filmed her response, she screamed haha!

We haven't told any 'general' friends yet, I agree it's hard not to say anything when you bump into a friend but we will wait until the scan before telling everyone else.

The way we looked at it, was who would we turn to if lost it? Then we told the people we would look to for support if the worst were to happen
Awww bless ya :) ENJOY IT and make the most of been able to grab a cuppa and put your feet up whilst ya can :) xx
So excited its ridiculous. I want to tell everyone and I want to buy all the baby stuff NOW! lol. Its going to be a long 209 days!

We haven't bought anything yet but my nan has bought a box full of toys, my mum has bought clothes (all neutral colours thankfully!) and my MIL has picked out the cot she's insisting on buying us....
I couldn't keep it secret for long, Im 12 weeks today and all the people I wanted to tell face to face have been told for at least a week now but most about 2/3.

Like inky said, I wanted people to know incase anything did go wrong. Although the FOBs parents are still not in the know...his father is in spain and wont be back till the end of the month! Its going to be a bit of a shock by then!
I am excited...am so pleased to hear am not the only one who wants to wear a T-shirt announcing it....definitely can't wait to write it as a facebook status lol!

I had a bit of a scare earlier this week with some spotting (i had had a similar bout of it the week before as well) and it reminded me why I was glad I hadn't told everyone. Its difficult though!
Just do it when the time is right ladies for each of you. Although we all wanna wear "the t-shirt" saying im havin a baby :)

Sorry to hear about the spottin Mixi, i had some quite heavily at 5 weeks and i was scared to death...but a lot of people do get it :) Just relax and take it easy and hope all works out

Thanks Laura...it was really scary. More so because this is my first pregnancy and I just don't KNOW anything! It seems to have stopped now...I hope that will be the last of it, even if it is normal I don't like it!
i really wanted to wait until i was 12 weeks but it got the better of me when i had terrible morning sickness round my sisters house so i had no choice that where ever i went i wanted to boff now its worn off i wish i hadnt of bothered cos i can now go outside with out needing the toilet lol :wall:
Mixi i no wot u mean hun, i was scared to death, i suppose with it been our first babies we automatically think the worse thing dont we?? Hope ur ok and have a lovely smooth enjoyable pregnancy hunni xx
You too hon! I am feeling optimistic today as work has been shut because of snow and I've had a nice long day of relaxation in my pjs! x
oooo u lucky so and so!! My last day at work tomoz for 11 days :) whoop. I booked some time so i can have some relaxing duvet days and the couch :D Cant wait. Then my scan on the 18th Jan :) excited xx
I feel the same Mixi, I'm 9 weeks 5 days and I've only told my best friend and want to tell the world.
Probably going to wait till after my 12 week scan, till I tell more people unless I can't stop myself telling a few more lol
It is a personal choice when you tell. I told my sis and freind straight away and waited til christmas to tell other family and children. I can't hide it now a i'm so big, but avoided telling my boss til this friday as i have my scan tomorrow and want to check that it is just one in there as if its more i won't work for as long lol

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