Can't wait to tell everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
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I'm so eager to tell everyone that I'm gonna be a Mama but I know its way to early, it's really frusttrating not being able to tell people but also nice because it's special and just between us and immediate family.
But still, I just wish I was far enough along so I could tell everyone!!
I've told my mum & my sisters and one friend and my partner has told his parents and his brother but i'm really wanting to tell the rest of my family and friends!! Arrrrrghh I feel like this next 2 month is gonna go so slow! Really want my scan and see my little baby!!

Anyone else stuck at the beginning where you cant tell the world?
I am exactly the same. I found out when I was 6 weeks pregnant (now just over 10). I told my sister as had to tell somebody but other than that the only person that knows is my manager so easier when needing time off etc. Think quite a few people have cottened on at work but have not confirmed anything. Apart from that just myself and my partner know. Its exciting just having it between us at the moment but at the same time I really am finding it hard to keep from my parents....think my sister is too. Plus it would be nice to have some reassurance from family members about certain things that are/ have happened.Somebody to talk to? I plan on telling everyone the oday I have my 12 week scan (17th July) Still few weeks away but will be all that more exciting having the scan picture too :)
We told all of our relatives. We did with Jack too. We bith have close families and see them all quite often so it would've been a big giveaway if I was rough when they saw me lol. My best friend guessed before we even did a test (she knows me way too well lol)! We're waiting until after our 12 week scan to tell other friends though x
I havent told anyone. Its only me and my OH that know.
we were going to tell parents at 10weeks but I had a bit of bleeding at 8weeks not alot but we do want to male aurw all os well so we are going to wait til the scan.
our friends are expecting their first baby a week after us and they have told everyone and I am dieing to twll everyone now including them but most of all I cant wait to tell our 4year old she qill be ao excited
So far we've only told my parents an I've told one friend.

Today DH is telling his best friend as him and his wife have been trying a couple of years and have just started Clomid. They're so open with everything with us that I felt bad not telling but also was dreading it as I don't want to upset her as I know how hard it can be hearing about others pregnancies when it's all you want for yourself.

I just want the next 6 weeks to fly by so we can tell other people!!!
It was tourture hehe. Hubby really wanted me to keep mouth shut until he told his parents and I've had my scan.

Now both sides of family know and I've got 1 more week before I can put my scan on FB and announce it to th world :D
It was tourture hehe. Hubby really wanted me to keep mouth shut until he told his parents and I've had my scan.

Now both sides of family know and I've got 1 more week before I can put my scan on FB and announce it to th world :D

Haha yeah I can't wait to put mine on FB either lmao!!
we've told both sets of parents, my boss, and my two best mates and two work colleagues but I've not told my brother or my hubbies bro either yet cos we're waiting for the scan a week today to confirm that we've got past the danger zone of 6 weeks (both of my other babies passed at 6 weeks) so once I've hopefully seen a heartbeat next week then i might tell some more peeps.

I think I'm telling more peeps this time becauce I was fed up of with only being able to tell peeps the bad news with both miscarriages and getting the sad looks on their faces....
I know how you feel we havent told anyone but 2 close family frinds and I am dying to tell all lol were going on a family holiday end of august there is about 15/16 going so am gonna try to get my scan the week before and tell everyone on holiday but its so hard lol

and to add to it a frind who lives 3 doors down is pregnant and her due date is 4 days after mine and all she talks about is how excited she is and morning sickness and tiredness ect and I want to scream shutt up lol or i am pregnant too grrrr x
I am the complete opposite. I don't want any one to know. lol

Luckily we live 7000 miles from all our family and most of our friends so we can keep it secret for a good long while. I am really close to my family but am just thrilled to have a secret with my husband and want to keep it that way for as long as possible. Hopefully until about 32 weeks, then I will fib and say I am a month less than I am so they can't bug me with the "are you in labour yet" stuff around my due date.

I think I am a weirdo on this though! ;)
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Ha ha I'm similar to u talulahGosh , I think this is down to previous mc.. I've got to admit my first pregnancy didn't get out on fb til I was in labour but fb wasn't as common then but I told family at 7 weeks and parents at bout 8.. This time I am 5 weeks and have only told u lovely ladies lol x
I am terrible at keeping it a secret. I am only 7 weeks and have told my immediate family, my husband's parents, my boss, 6 colleagues and 2 friends. I am so terrible but so excited despite being nervous about every little change that happens inside me! I wish I had all your will power ladies!
I am terrible at keeping it a secret. I am only 7 weeks and have told my immediate family, my husband's parents, my boss, 6 colleagues and 2 friends. I am so terrible but so excited despite being nervous about every little change that happens inside me! I wish I had all your will power ladies!

Hehe, I am the same, I can't keep secrets! I have told my mum and step dad, bro and 2 best friends and oh has told his mum and dad (and their partners) but I want to tell everyone!

One of my close friends is 5 months pregnant and I desperately want to talk to her about it and get tips etc but I just don't want to risk anything so just the nearest and dearest for now!

Oh well, at least we all have each other ladies and we can all chat and help each other! :wave:

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