when do you put up christmas decs?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Im too excited i cant wait. ild never wait 12 days before like we are ment to.

i always put mine up 1st december. but thinking about the last week in november this year as i am just to excited


When are yours going up?

ps we must make a "post a pic of your christmas tree" thread
Dionne i'm with you, i was just sayin on another thread that i'd put mine up now if i could, but hubby is makin me wait til last week in nov at the earliest :cry:

but all the shops have them up already its not fair i want mine up!!

can't wait hehe
i tried to put mine up the other week but OH said no he was having none of it
Im so exited
ill put mine up end november i think i cant wait till 1st dec ill be bursting at the seems
Mine go up 2 weeks before christmas day 8)
oh deff last week in november i can't wait to get them out,and a xmas tree pic thread is a great idea :cheer: xx
I put mine up on 1st of december or sometimes the end of november. I'm so exicted this year, i can't wait to see Aimees face.
We put ours up 2 weeks beofre Crimbo, will be a bit later this years though as we'll only just got back from our holiday :cheer:
Usually first week of Dec
, I love putting the tree out..........ladies, why don't you wait until OH goes out, then set up the tree, and say if he wants it put away he has to do it himself.....if they're anything like my OH it'll stay put! :lol: :rotfl:
Emmylou said:
Usually first week of Dec
, I love putting the tree out..........ladies, why don't you wait until OH goes out, then set up the tree, and say if he wants it put away he has to do it himself.....if they're anything like my OH it'll stay put! :lol: :rotfl:

I agree hun :rotfl: my OH has nothing to do with the decs

They are mine!!!! :twisted:

I am that bad with them, that Emily helps me of course and when she has gone to bed i rearrange it all :?

Mine go up the first week in Dec
jo said:
Emmylou said:
Usually first week of Dec
, I love putting the tree out..........ladies, why don't you wait until OH goes out, then set up the tree, and say if he wants it put away he has to do it himself.....if they're anything like my OH it'll stay put! :lol: :rotfl:

I agree hun :rotfl: my OH has nothing to do with the decs

They are mine!!!! :twisted:

I am that bad with them, that Emily helps me of course and when she has gone to bed i rearrange it all :?

Mine go up the first week in Dec

My mum used to do that to me :( i knew she'd re-arranged them but she would say 'no sophie thats exactly how u left it' :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh dear it didn't scar you for life did it???
:rotfl: :rotfl: No dont worry i got over it, i know how much her tree meant to her, im actually the same now though, no ones aloud to touch my tree!
last year we put decs up in the second week of november. love my decorations :D

maybe we need a post to suggest the best way of hanging decorations on the wall without using pins.

made loads of paper chains last year. loved doing that.
I don't put decs up on wall or ceiling

I used to but got fed up of them and when i start i don't stop they go in the hall, the dining room and living room

I think i stopped because my lights are not in middle so i had no centre point and fell off a chair more than once :shakehead:

Might get some again this year though as they will be nice for Jack to look at

What is everyones colour schemes if you have them?

Mine is Blue, sliver and frosted white

I add to it every year OH goes mad

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