when do YOU ovulate?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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i no the ovulation day can vary, what day is it for you? just wanted to see how we all vary from person to person

i normally have 28 day cycles but last month had a 40 day cycle, i worked my chart out on 28 days as all other cycles have been 28 days and im on day 16 and have been using opk's and still havent had a positive, i started testing on day 11, i had some cm this morning but nothing since??? any ideas???
If i started testing on cd 11 i would have missed ov!
I charted and I ovulate on cd 10 but they dated me as conceiving on cd9, so it might be youre an early ov'er too.

eta: i have a 28 day cycle.
I know i'm not ttc, but as i'm lurking...
I've just checked FF and the earliest I've ovulated was cd11 and the latest was cd29.
Its varied quite a bit over the cycles i've been monitering on there. xx
well i'm on cd19 or 30 and still havent ovulated I don't think

not giving me much time for implantation :?

In short, I have no effing clue lol
I'm on day 30 and I've just OV. I got a positive OPK on Thursday and lots of EWCM all week.
I have irregular cycles, generally about 40-45 days, although in the summer I had a 67 day cycle which was so frustrating. I have no idea why it was so long!
I have cylces about 27/28 days and usually OV from CD11 max CD14. There has only been 1 month out of the 4 that FF has not detected OV so i am lucky really.

i would start OPK from the 10th day of your cycle if you think they are 28 days long. I use clear blue digi OPK kit, they give you a smiley face when OVing. No guessing!!
I have varied cycles from 28-34 days so I use the kits and last cycle I got +ves on days 14,15,16 (feinter lines on both 14 & 16). I tend to start testing from day 12 onwards until I get 2 +ve days.

I haven't had af since the m/c and I'm starting to test again and got a feint line this afternoon so hoping that I'll ov in the next few days...will have to jump hubby tonight! :wink:
hi i usually have 35 day cycles and i got a positive ov test on cd20 x
I am going to be starting to use opk as i am trying naturally
this month so just waiting for af to stop and then i will start opk round
day 10 to day 17 just so i dont miss any days ..
I use to have a 28 cycle but since my last icsi june gone i had a cycle of 32
and even 35 for 3 mths on the trot not sure what my cycle will be this month
after the icsi i have just had but i guess i am gonna still start from day 10
i am going to use the clear blue digital there more easy to read so you dont
miss a day and they sell them on ebay quite cheap and come with 7sticks
Good luck everyone for a 2009 Bfp , Karen :hug: xxx
Hiya, I am a bit irregular since I came off the pill in April. This month I ov'd, I think, on day 14, but last month it was quite late on day 25! I am a bit out of sync! AF has arrived today and it's been a 29 day cycle, so I'm hoping that it is starting to settle down. Good luck hun!!
hmmm so i may have missed it? im gonna keep testing tho cus it could be late? arrrgggghhhh its such a pain not knowin!!! :wall:

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