glitzyglamgirl said:
Jenna it seems like your cycles are similiar to mine, how annoying is it!!!!!
If I dont get BFP this time were going back to the docs as it would have been 14 months trying, getting so frustrated with it al!!!
Glitzyglam girl! Dont say that!
I have been trying for 16 and now been referred, but my doctor didnt want to refer me! She said far too many couples go down the route of referal to a fertility clinic when there is nothing wrong with them at all.
She said that your local GP can only do so much tests for you (We have ahd all of them) If nothing appears wrong you get referred to a fertility clinic, If you have anything abnormal showing you get referred to a fertility clinic. Once there they run afew more tests on you, I got an ultrasound etc and look at my uterus the same old stuff. I have one more test to do, the consultant told me if they dont find anything wrong with me they put it down to infertility. Simple.
If they find something wrong the also put it down to infertility.
Then after that, they take you down the route of IVF or sperm/egg donation etc.
My doctor was against me being referred as she said that even though in this day and age we are quiet clued up fertility is something doctors have still not investigated further. She didnt want to refer me as she didnt think anythign was wrong with me or my partner fertility wise. She just thinks its all about stress and timing etc, and wanting to get pregnant, she suggested taking a step back and chilling out.
Which am going to do and follow her advice.