When do you need a baby monitor?

Karate Kid

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
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As the title says really.... when do you need a baby monitor? Lo will be in our room for the first six months or so and in relation to naps I think that I will be putting LO down on the little baby bean bag we have where ever I am in the house, until I feel comfortable enough to leave LO on his/her own....

The monitor is one of the last things I need to get and I am not sure if we will need it immediately? Any suggestions or advice will be greatly received.

hi hun
i'm planning on (hopefully) getting mine at an NCT sale next week - only to save some money!
with my dd and ds i didn't start to use it until they were in their nursery at about six months

clara x
I got one already. Though the baby will nap downstairs during the day I wouldn't want to disturb it and get it in the kitchen while cooking or if I have a shower etc.
Same fit upstairs while the baby is sleeping in its cot I may need to be at the next room working or studying.
Also getting outside with the puppy in the yard to go potty. No way I could drag a small baby during the awful Norwegian winter outside every time I get with the puppy.
I suppose if your house is not big or you are actually planning to get the bean everywhere where you go then you don't need one yet?
I'm not getting one yet as she'll be in the room with us and when she's napping I'll still be able to see her, as my downstairs is all open plan. As she gets a bit bigger then I'll get one
We've got one, but only because we got it thrown in with a load of other things we bought. I probably will only use it when she's down for the night, as we will have a sleep apnoea monitor too, which clicks all the time x
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We bought one before my ds was born and we used it from around 2 1/2 months ish when we started to put him upstairs on his own to fall asleep. I used to always have it on but one day I forgot and never sused it since I always hear him if he needs me!!!
weve bought one however because it was on offer and also it has one of those movement pad sensors
ive no idea if its a bad thing or good thing yet, makes me paranoid.
Also no idea when Im going to start using as I live in an apartment on 1 floor and also want baby to sleep thru things so not going to keep her out the way or be deliberately quiet! x
Fin is 4 weeks old and I use it when I go for a shower or generally put him down for naps so I can get on with things xx
I have never used one - sounds terrible I know! But Lo shares a room with me and we tend to crash out around the same time in the evening. He naps in the living room during the day so is in my sight. I would have used one during the night if he had his own room though.
Thank you ladies, I may just get one incase we need it! x
We were given one for nothing brand new, im thinking it will come in handy if i need to go out of the room etc while baby is asleep
Iv got one, it was special offer too and my mum wanted to buy us it. I don't think i'll use it everyday. But I was planning on using it if baby was having a nap and I was trying to have a shower. Don't think it's urgent but handy to have xxx
I'm the same as u Karate Kid, baby will be with us for 6 months and I had been wondering this too.
My parents have said they'll buy one for us, but I'm in no hurry for it yet. I doubt I'll use it until she goes into her own room.

In saying that, we live in an apartment, so will never be too far away, I'm not sure if I'd want one sooner if we had a house. It all depends on where baby will be napping I guess.
When our LO is napping during the day, she'll be wherever we are, so yeah, after all my blabbing, I probably won't need one til she's about 6 months lol x

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I'm the same as u Karate Kid, baby will be with us for 6 months and I had been wondering this too.
My parents have said they'll buy one for us, but I'm in no hurry for it yet. I doubt I'll use it until she goes into her own room.

In saying that, we live in an apartment, so will never be too far away, I'm not sure if I'd want one sooner if we had a house. It all depends on where baby will be napping I guess.
When our LO is napping during the day, she'll be wherever we are, so yeah, after all my blabbing, I probably won't need one til she's about 6 months lol x

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LOL well glad we are on the smae page because this was my exact thought process! We are in a house but I doubt I would ever be that far away from LO initially!x
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You may well find a use for it before baby officially goes into their own room, so it might be worth getting in advance.
Before DD went into her own room at 4 months (when she grew out of the crib we had in our room), the only times I felt slightly paranoid about not being able to hear her was when I had a morning shower or went out to our very long garden to hang out the washing. So it was useful in these situations just for a bit of peace of mind.
In reality, she screamed so loud when she wanted attention, that our neighbours 2 doors up once mentioned that they were concerned about the volume of her cry, what a loud baby! Bloody cheek! We have since moved house to a nice quiet cul-de-sac and DD continues to be the noisiest person in the street by far! :lol:
I think you don't necessarily need one right away, but as others have said, it could come in handy when you are showering or getting on with the housework.

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