When did your sickness end?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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I'm 8+1 confirmed hb at 6+4

I had a mmc last year and didnt find out til 12 week scan. Just had an empty sac so no baby ever developed. No spotting,cramping..... Nowt. I do remember last time feeling symptoms and then them suddenly stopping about 8 weeks.

For the past 2 days I haven't felt sicky. Just really tired and slightly tender boobs. So worried that I should be feeling more :( have got a private scan booked for next weekend. Has anyone else's symptoms eased off at 8weeks ish? I know everyone is different. My mum suffered really badly from hg so just assumed I would! Too stressful!

I need a crystal ball or a future time machine
With my son my symptoms never really started until about 7/8 weeks. After that the sickness lasted me right up til Harrison was born (like I literally threw my guts up during labour). Just because you don't have very many sympts, doesn't mean it's not good news hun. Stay positive :hugs:

My sickness started at 10 going on 11 weeks!
I had nausea from 8. Boobs stopped hurting at 9..
Everyone's different.

My first pregnancy that resulted in Mc I was about 5 weeks and had awful sickness symptoms ( thought I had a bug didn't know I was preg) so it all varys. The only problem is period symptoms, miscarriage symptoms and healthy pregnancy symptoms are all similar there's no way of telling .. :( sorry in not much help! Just what ove noticed.

my nausea and sickness began about 8 weeks in and didnt stop til about 16 wks... i wrote a blog throughout my pregnancy and even wrote pieces on tips to ease nausea and all the horrible side effects... might be useful for you- link in my signature
Mine started at 5 weeks. I actually thought I had a stomach bug before hubby suggested I took a test! It finally stopped at 14 weeks, but I did have the odd week where it was less or had none at all. I'm pretty sure I've read that the placenta takes over at around 8/9 weeks and this can lighten your symptoms. I think it can lessen nausea as your hormone levels start to balance out.
Hey, mine started at 8 and is still going strong, hopefully it's got to stop soon.

First thing in the morning I am always sick, but its just yellow acid / bile .... Not food. (Sorry tmi) anyone else found this? Xxx
Some people don't go get morning sickness at all. But with my son I had it on & off until 20 weeks. This time around I just feel sick most mornings until I've eat but never want to eat. X

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