when did your morning sickness kick in?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Just wondering how many weeks people were when their morning sickness started to kick in and also when did it go?
ooooh have you some news :) ;)

with Seren it was bang on 6 weeks. With Cally I was sick at 3 weeks, it was that which made me think I might be pregnant and I was. But I have bad sickness so that might be why I felt it early???
I was ill one morning (didnt know was 6 1/2 weeks pregnant then) so i done a test to confirm i was pregnant, but other than that i havent had any sickness but i know everything is fine as i had my scan at 11 weeks and all was well.
I havent really had any sickness yet.. Realllly hoping i don't regret saying that haha
I haven't had anythting yet!

Both my Mum and Nan said they felt sick of the smell of anyone nearby drinking tea or coffee so that could be interesting at work!
I havent had any yet either, although have started getting the odd wave of nausea, and occasionally burping up a little sick (sorry TMI).....so have a feeling it might be on its way soon.

I believe from doing lots of research that 6 weeks is the most common, but know of a few ladies whose MS started nearer 8 or 9 weeks!!

Im just keeping my fingers crossed, that what I have now is all Im going to get :D
between 9 and 10 weeks and it mega sucks, I thought I want gonna get it
I have been feeling extremely tired. Since week 9 I am getting dizy and feel sick all the time.
i havent been sick yet either, have been dizzy thou and had headaches come and go
Mine last time was near 6 weeks to 7/8 felt sick all day and night even when I ate.

This time from about 5 weeks properly but at 6 weeks I hardley feel it at all!

Feel fine most of the time :)
Ive been feeling sick since about 5 weeks but not actually sick, untill the last week and i have been sick so much im hardley keeping anything down :(
A couple of weeks ago i was wishing for m/s, now its here i want it to go
Were you like this with your other pregnancys Sarah?
mine kickked in at about week 5 properly i was nausious before i took a test but it got bad at week 7 and it's still here but not as bad :D
My first pregnancy the morning sickness kicked in at 7 weeks and was gone by 17 weeks, this time it's started at 6 week, some days are good and some are bad. Boy do I hate the feeling though, it completely wipes me out. I've been chatting to people at work trying to not heave or make it obvious I wanna retch!! :puke:
Mine kicked in at about 6wks, just nausea though. Went at about 9wks.
mine kicked in at about 4 weeks (maybe before, cos i didnt know I was pg until about 4 or 5 weeks) and didnt end until about 20,21 weeks! :puke:

it was horrible, and drained me so much. everyone's different though and just remember it WILL end girls!!!xxxxx
now we know what this was about :D :D :D i had a feeling :hug: :hug: congrats hun xxxxxxxxxx
Was 6 weeks exactly when I first noticed it when someone near me was using a permanent marker and then I went off work at 8 weeks coz I was REALLY ill and have been off ever since - being sick in the morning and night time and feeling pretty horrendous all of the other times! Think its just easing off though - managed to go 2 days now without heaving or running to the toilet to be sick! :dance:

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