symptoms disappeared!


Oct 22, 2008
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i am now 9 weeks pregnant and up until now had all the signs to go with it such as nausea, sore boobs, bad skin, tiredness etc etc. this week however i feel absolutely fine, no symptoms at all and a bit worried to be honest! anyone else experienced this?
I have too, mine went about a week ago, just before 12 weeks.Ive been told its nothing to worry about, just that the placenta is starting to take over the nourishment of the baby which gives your body a rest x
im just nine weeks too and im starting to feel a bit better still gettin a bit of nausea and still fairly tired but boobs are not sore anymore really just nipples get a bit sore at times but not as bad as the early weeks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
my symptoms disapeared at 9 wks too and i had nearly 4 weeks of feeling fantastic lol. but, the dreaded :puke: came back at 13 wks and today is the first day of me feeling better again, so it can come and go and is nothing to worry about at all. Enjoy might not last lol

Just wanted to say you're not alone with these feelings, i'm almost 12 weeks and my symptoms suddenly disappeared a week ago, which scared me! (I even posted about it a few days back). From what many of the ladies have said to me though, it seems that your symptoms do disappear as you head towards the end of the first trimester....although equally it sounds like hey might return, when you least expect it!! Mine did last night, whilst i was cooking tea...i seriously thought i was going to feint and had to lie down on the kitchen floor!!

:hug: So although easier said than don, try not to worry and all will be fine.
Don't fret Diddle, it's your hormones calming down, trust me it's not a bad thing. A lot of women find this around the 3rd month. I haven't had any symptoms really whatsoever except needing to pee all the time, a bloody headaches and spots!!! I bet you have some symptoms you just don't realise whether it bloating,constipation,peeing,headaches,aches,twinges,spots,restlessness, heartburn but if not just count your lucky stars. I was just glad to get some energy back. it's natural to feel concerned but its ok I am sure xxx

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