when did your baby start smiling?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi ladies,
My little one Is 5 weeks and 3 days and still I've had no smile!!! I'm starting to smile as people seem to be talking about their baby's smiles earlier than this. When did your baby's start smiling? (I mean consistently, not just a wind face!) X
about 4 weeks but every baby is different. i'm sure you will get one very soon. xx
I think it was about 5-6 weeks, but it was small.

Don't worry sweetie if its not happening yet, they are all different. You never know your LO will walk and talk before mine, they do what they want.

I read in one of the mummy magazines, that they smile when you make movements and faces, I look like an idiot when I want her to smile, but it works.
I posted this exact thread last week! Evie is 6 weeks today and yesterday she smiled at Leo the Lamaze lion toy. Cheers love! Forget about mummy who has been getting up 4 times a night for the past 6 weeks! Hoping that I get my turn in the next week!
5+2 and she only smiled at mummy for the first week :)
5+2 for me too but he's only just starting to smile every day now and he's six weeks on sunday x
about 6 weeks we got the first one...but then at about 8 weeks there were more frequent and now at 11 weeks, they are almost constant...when she is in the mood of course :)
Around 5 but at 8 week doc app she was surprised she was smiling for to long n said lots dont start till 7 r 8 weeks

dont worry hun it will hasten soon x
4 weeks, but at first she would only smile at me on her change table. Don't worry, your baby will smile soon and it will be the best feeling :)
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About four weeks for us too - but it was just at mummy to start with :). Changing table always gets a smile as she is looking straight up at mummy! :). Like others have said, it's different for different babies and they all start doing different things at different times. It'll happen soon I'm sure!
4 weeks on the changing table too. She smiles all the time now.

I did think 4 weeks was a bit early though, I think it's usually after 6 weeks or so

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