When did you start to get tired again?


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Hi sorry for the tri hop to start a post but I'm looking for some general advice. I'm due to start tri 3 in a coupe of weeks but wondered when you started to feel really tired again? In tri 1 I was exhausted and ths week ive started to feel so tired, feel like a zomby at times. Is it too early? Should I mention it to my mw?
I think every pregnancy is different and not everyone feels wonderful in tri 2, so not to worry. But I would mention it to your midwife in case your iron levels are low.

I haven't really noticed any problems yet with increasing tiredness. I get tired suddenly in the evenings, but manage fine during the day and this is no different to tri 2 for me.
Personally, I felt like there was a huge change at 30 weeks and have felt more and more tired as the time goes on. Keep your midwife informed of how you are feeling just in case it is low iron but that's not been the reason behind mine. Just simply a huge pregnant lady :lol: xxx
I've found to be more tired in the past few weeks. And I can sleep like a log!

Irons not to blame either as my bloods were fine! Xxx

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I felt it at 36/37 weeks now I'm 38 I'm full of energy!! It's gotta be different for everyone I think!x
Thanks ladies I'll mention it to her xx
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I started to get more tired again from about 28 weeks and it's just gets worse as the weeks go on now!
Touch wood I am still OK! I was pretty tired through tri 2 though so I think I just got used to it? Iron levels have been fine!

And I don't sleep more than a few hours in one go now! :shock:

I also still manage to walk a few miles a day....

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I've noticed I'm getting a little more tired mainly on the weekends around early evening and Mondays totally wipe me out. Only to get worse I suspect but I do LOVE to sleep. My bloods came back fine so all is OK so just the joys of being a preggo!
I was just about to say I've not felt overly tired in Tri 3

Til I realised at 8.20 I'm in bed, on laptop, yawning and considering going to sleep
I got tired about 34 weeks but now have trouble sleeping mainly as I can't get comfortable and I'm up at the loo several times a night! Everyone is different though xx
Same here, very disturbed at night, need to nap in day to stay alert
I've been shattered all the way through - and my iron count is fine. Just one of those things I guess...
I actually think given half the chance I could have slept through the whole of the pregnancy without any problems at all and my iron levels are quite high so not a clue!!:nap::nap: xx
Start to get tired again? You mean some people get a rest in the middle? I've been exhausted all the way through Hun. But then I've CFS and low levels of iron and a complete insomniac. Feel free to join the t3 insomnia club. There's lots of us up all night long. Xxx

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