when did you start all them things..


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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oil, tea, bouncing.. sticking things in your twinkle, massage your twinkle, eating things and bouncing on balls (does bouncing on OH have the same affect?) :roll:
I know its a good few weeks til i prob need to start but i just wanna be prepered so what week did you start various things and where do u buy all this stuff?:whistle:
i think most start about 34/35 weeks i chatted to my consultant today about epo and she laughed at me lols her opinion is it comes when it ready
I think it's safe to do most at anytime (Minus EPO etc) Bouncing on a ball is good to get baby in right position so anytime for that.

Start doing them all religously from about 36 weeks onwards i'd say :)
Raspberry leaf tea - started a cup a day week 32, will up to 2 cups about week 34 etc.
EPO - 36+
Massage - Hypnobirthing practitioner advised 6-8 weeks before the birth.
Bouncing - soon as I hit third tri to make sure it ends up head down - particularly whilst doing the ironing!!

EPO I got from Tesco (OH bought it by mistake for himself a few months ago lol)
RLT I got from Holland and Barratt - they also do it in tablets, also got almond oil to help with massage from there as well as arnica tablets for after birth to help healing.
I started the EPO and RLT tablets from 36 weeks. Bouncing on the ball as early as you like. The more you do it the better, helps the baby get into a good position and helps them to develop the part of their ear that manages balance. Rocking chairs and swings do this too!
I started :

RLT 32 weeks, gradually increasing
ball bouncing 34 weeks, that's just when I happened to get the ball
EPO about 35 weeks orally and about 36 weeks internally...

Hmm... maybe this is why oscar came 4 weeks earlier than his sisters did as i did none of this with them!!
What's epo???

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Evening primrose oil I think x x great thread btw x
Ahh can I have that after hving a previous section as I have been told I'm not allowed rlt

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