Online shopping fest!


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
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I've been having a bit of a spendfest recently and some of the stuff I've bought started to arrive today - my birthing ball and pump, labour massage oils and some raspberry leaf tea. I went a bit mad buying wipes and balms and all that sort of thing aswell but I figured they are gonna get used!! It's exciting :dance:

And tomorrow mum and I are going to the big Mothercare for a scout about.

Some questions: I've read various things about raspberry leaf tea. One site I looked at said it is safe from 32 weeks while others quote 34 and 37 weeks respectively. I was planning to start on one cup a day (from next week) and build it up. Any advice?

Also, how much time should I spend bouncing/rocking on the ball each day? Roughly :)
pickled_onion said:
Some questions: I've read various things about raspberry leaf tea. One site I looked at said it is safe from 32 weeks while others quote 34 and 37 weeks respectively. I was planning to start on one cup a day (from next week) and build it up. Any advice?

I'm going to start mine from now, 32 weeks, like I did with Evie. I start with one cup a day 32-34 weeks, 2 cups a day 34-36 weeks, 3 cups a day 36-38 weeks and 4 cups a day 38-40 weeks.

Can't say I'm particularly excited about the prospect though as I think it tastes rank :roll: The only thing that spurs me to drink it is I only had a 7 hour labour with strong, regular contractions with Evie so I do think it works :D
Thanks, Fluffy. I'll probably do as you've outlined there.

Any help in labour is gonna be appreciated!!!
Fluffy Bunny said:
I think it tastes rank :roll:

I didn't like mine at first, but I've been putting a wee bit of cranberry cordial in it, makes a huge difference. Otherwise don't think I could stand to drink so much of it. xx
*takes notes*

If it's really awful, I can always switch to the tablet form.

Then again, I'm one of those weird creatures who enjoys green tea (and many people seem to think that's gross) so I may well like it anyway :wink:

I've also been stockpiling nappies. Cloth and disposables. I love buying baby things. At first I only really thought about buying cute outfits and concentrated on clothing and the like but now that baby is definitely (yup, no doubt about it!!) on it's way, I like buying the practical stuff too. It makes everything seem more real.
emman24 said:
Fluffy Bunny said:
I think it tastes rank :roll:

I didn't like mine at first, but I've been putting a wee bit of cranberry cordial in it, makes a huge difference. Otherwise don't think I could stand to drink so much of it. xx

Thats a good idea, will try it.

pickled_onion said:
If it's really awful, I can always switch to the tablet form.

From my reading before I don't think the tablets are meant to be as effective :think:, which is why I stick with the rank tasting tea :)

firstangel said:
Whats the tea for?? sorry im so stupid ! LOL! :oops:

I'm being lazy now so have copied from the web..... :D

"Its commonly believed that drinking raspberry leaf tea or taking raspberry leaf tablets will help to induce labour and as such this supplement is taken by many a pregnant woman keen to speed up their baby's arrival into the world. Unfortunately this is a misconception; raspberry leaf tea doesn't actually help to bring on labour at all. Having said this it is thought to have many other benefits for the birthing process and has been used as a labour-aid for hundreds of years.

Visit to stock up on Raspberry Leaf Tea in an easy-to-take capsule form.

The benefits

Raspberry leaf tea is nutrient rich and contains many of the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy pregnancy including vitamins A, C, E and B, magnesium, calcium and iron. Consuming raspberry leaf tea not only helps mother and baby to get all the nutrients they need but can also help to replenish a new mothers stores after the birth.

Raspberry leaf tea also contains the alkaloid 'fragine' which is said to strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus, helping them to contract more efficiently during labour. Research has found that taking raspberry leaf during the weeks prior to delivery helps to shorten the second stage of labour by making contractions more effective. Some studies have also found that it reduces the need for an assisted delivery (i.e. an emergency cesarean or use of forceps or ventouse).

Sipping raspberry leaf tea during and after the birth is also said to help the uterus contract back down to size, reduce after birth bleeding and help initiate the let down of breastmilk.

While there hasn't been a huge amount of research into this area, the general consensus does seem to be that drinking raspberry leaf tea during the latter stages of pregnancy can help to make for a 'better' labour with few side effects.
At my ante natal classes they said to take it from 36 weeks, im going to go and buy some this weekend and try it and see what its like lol
I spent (literally) hundreds at the shops today. I shouldn't be allowed out.

I'm going to be a good girl from now on :angel:

Enjoyed myself tho' ;)
Fluffy Bunny said:
From my reading before I don't think the tablets are meant to be as effective :think:, which is why I stick with the rank tasting tea :)

Ok doke. Revolting tea here I come.

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