when did you meet the midwife?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Just wondering when everyone met their midwife... how far gone you were etc? And also - why do some people have scans before 12 weeks? Im new to all this! x
Midwife will see you from 6 weeks plus. I saw mine at 8 weeks.

You have an early scan if you have pain or bleeding.

I had to have one at 8 weeks as had some "spotting" they call it. Very scary!!!

The early scan is a nice reassurance and make it seem more "real", but wish I had not had to have one in a way as I do not like the spotting! :(

You can get a private scan if you want one, I have noticed a few girls on here have paid to have scans for reassurance before 12 weeks x
Hi! I met my midwife for booking in (filling in forms etc) at 7 weeks. I had a scan at 10 weeks because I had previously had a missed miscarriage.
The doctor told me i will see the midwife around 10 weeks for my booking in appointment, i know different places have different timescales though. Have u been the docs yet to refer you to a midwife?

As for the early scans, most of the time it because of a scare, i had one two days ago because of strong pains on my left side.
Some of the ladies on here have payed for a private scan but i think you have to be roughly around 7 weeks before they will accept a booking. Hope this helps hun x x

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thanks you girls. I went to the doctors on Monday but he told me to come about in 2-3 weeks to register with the midwife.

How do you know which pains are normal? x
Light cramping is normal and quick sharp pains on one side are normal too.

Any pain that goes on for a long time and does not subside, or any pain that is severe should be checked out straight away!!
My pains were very sharpe on my right side and the nurse told me they were normal, most of the pains are just stretching pains, getting ready for your bean to start growing x x

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ive got my first midwife appointment tomorrow and im 9week and a day. havent got my scan date yet. yea id agree with everyone else. cramping and sharp pains can be normal but if they are very painful or go on for a while then see your doc or midwife. x
ok thanks, ive just had mild cramping on and off so i didnt think it was anything to worry about but i wanted to be sure! x
My midwife apt was around 7 weeks - had early scan at 8 weeks 5 days - but that was because i went to EPU with pain which was being caused by the cyst - and with my previous miscarriage was worried - my dating scan was exactly 12 weeks and my next one is at exactly 20 weeks but that can differ x
I've got an appointment with the midwife for the 1st of October, which would put me at about 6 weeks,all being well. I knew it would be too early to book an appointment for tomorrow (the midwife is there on Fridays) as I would only be 4 weeks. Hmmm, maybe I should postpone it until the week after?
Hey hun,
Im 8 and half weeks, I informed my doctors last monday and received my midwife appt today for next wednesday. Aparently I get my scan date then.

I'm seeing the midwife next Tuesday,I'll be 7 and a half weeks. The scan I'm getting tomorrow was arranged before I knew I was pregnant because I had a small cyst on each ovary at the beginning of August but was told they would probably dissolve on their own. I probably would have gotten an early scan anyway because I've had some spotting.

Have you been to see your GP?

x x x x
im going to go in and register with the midwife next week i think - the doctor said wait a few weeks but i dont see harm in doing it early! x
hay you have to see the doc who will then book u in with the midwife usually. go at about 6-7 weeks. regardin scan u only get an early 1 if u MC bfore or u are havin problems. dont worry or rush love jus enjoy i whilst u can x
thanks misty. Ive seen the doctor - he told me to come back in a few weeks to register with the midwife. Im just so eager to start talking about it and get the ball rolling! The next 8 weeks wondering if everything is ok are gonna be sooo stressful! x

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