When did you go into labour?

I was 39w2d with Jaycee, the only thing i remember was that week leading up to it DRAGGED!! I was having BH sice 30w so nothing new there when i was up all night with them lol! Waters broke at 6:30am on the loo :wink:
i went into labour at 35weeks with both!
it was unexpected with my first. no signs no nothing.
with my 2nd i expected it as my first was 5weeks early. and at 34 weeks i was nesting. :lol:
40weeks + 2days, lazy boy didnt wana come out and my bodys rubbish so he had to come out the sunroof!! :lol:
I had Charlie on his due date. I went into labour at 7pm on Saturday 22nd April 2006 whilst sitting on the birth ball watching a documentary on babies in the womb! My waters had been leaking slowly that weekend but I wasnt sure whether they were and it all started with small period like cramps and slowly built up. I had a slight show but nothing major and went to hospital at 2am on the Sunday (St Georges Day & his due date) and gave birth by emergency C-Section as he got stuck in the birth canal at 3.38pm...my little man was 1 yesterday!!!! Would do it all again though!
hey mdsremos i realised your lil man was 1 yesterday but noticed you have not been online for a while!
who was his special day? Happy birthday for yesterday :dance:
With Abigail i was 9 days over and the day i had her i was due to go in and be induced
With Tia i had her at 38 weeks
Jordan was 9 days early
Hayden was 11 days late
i had no signs with any of them that i was going to go into labour
My waters went at 37 weeks and Gabriella was born just over 6 hours later :D I had been getting period type pains since the day before but just assumed that was how it was going to be for the next few weeks.

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