Leading Up To Labour...

dannii87 said:
Sherlock said:
You don't *have* to be induced if you don't wish to be. Even at 42 weeks. The Doctors will advise it probably, but then thats their job. Very few women ever reach 42 weeks plus before going into labour. Chances are you'll deliver within the 42 weeks. Trust your body :)

Do some reading on declining an induction. Its here in the Ask a Mum section, somewhere in the past few pages I am sure. Loads of people discussed it.
Ah!! I never knew that!! I thought you HAD to have baby by the 13th day or something... :doh:

I'm definitely going to read up on that. And I have a MW appointment next Thursday so I'll discuss it with her then too!! :cheer: x

So many women seem to be under the impression they have to be induced. No one can make you. Its not a police state where if you don't do as you are told something will be done about it. I do wish people were more clued up on things when it comes to their health care and bodies.

Doctors will advise induction if overdue. And usually book them in for before the 42 week mark. Not even giving baby a chance to go the whole 42 weeks even. Down to hospital schedules and all that usually. Shame but I don't think having a baby should be determined by a schedule unless there is a medical need. Doctors have a medical approach and tend to control things with inductions rather than giving nature a chance. They can only advise (and should state this when explaining so people actually realise they have a choice) but as I said will usually always advise to be induced if going to far past 41 weeks or so. What you do with their advice is up to you. I hope you get well informed on all the options so you can make an informed decision for both you and Evie.

Had I gone over 42 weeks I would have declined induction and asked for baby and I to be monitored regulary and waited for natural birth providing we were both well. Induction often makes for a more painful labour, quicker because the contractions just hit hard and closer together rather than having time to build up and can also mean other forms of medical intervention and stronger pain control are required.
re: going past 42 weeks- definately push for regular monitoring. They will probably give you horror stories about placenta not working as well etc but as long as you are monitored you and bub should be fine. I was told I'd be induced at Term+10 but would have held on as long as possible had it come to that.

from the size of your bump at 38 weeks I don't reckon you'll get past 42 weeks!
millie's head engaged - not until i was already in labour

lost plug - not until i was in active labour

waters breaking - DIDNT EVEN HAPPEN! :shock:

so u see u could have none of the usual signs! tbh i kno it sounds dumb but my first sign was like an aura- i just knew somehow that things were kicking off. this was when i woke up on the day i was 39+5, just like u are now (i gave birth bang on my due date btw!) i put it down to womens' intuition, but if others didnt get that then i must be psychic lol! the only other early sign which came that night was "effacing pains" (what i mistakenly thought were contractions, i panicked and called the MWs to my house at 3am, only to be told i wasnt dilated, only effaced! :oops: i was right tho i spose things were underway already)

let us kno when u get that first niggle! cant believe ur ready to pop already, other people's pregnancies seem to pass so quickly!
trixipaws said:
let us kno when u get that first niggle! cant believe ur ready to pop already, other people's pregnancies seem to pass so quickly!
Oooh I hope I get the intuition! Oh of course! But you'll probably hear me screaming before you read the update :lol:

The last few weeks have gone so fast for me - But glittergirl arrived in 3rd tri today and I was SOOO shocked. I honestly thought she was about 15 weeks pregnant!! :shock: xx
Before I went into labour I had never had a BH, I didnt lose any plug (lost it in the toilet on my way up to the delivery suite) My waters didnt break (they broke them for me)

You know what told me I was going into labour!??? MY DAD
He lived in Torquay still then and he phoned me up at 8.30am to ask if I was ok as he had a strong feeling I was in labour! I was like no Im fine dad, went back to bed moanin that he had woke my up lol
Then as i lay there I got my first pain! :think: Weird I thought and went back to sleep, when I woke up I was having them every 12 mins so I knew I was in labour! Didnt tell Joe though lol waited until about 10 pm to tell him when they were really hurting hahahah :lol: I have no idea why though!? But yeh my dad told me!
OMG Lea! That's so spooky!

Give your Dad my number, I'd LOVE to hear from him! :rotfl: xx
Hee hee hee I would hun but at the min I dont even have his number!! :rotfl: Since he moved back from Spain and got a new phone I forgot to get his number!? I really should send him a message on facebook!! ;)

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